
I have the utmost respect for Spike Lee as a filmmaker and Chi-Raq does look like a genuinely interesting film. But at the end of the day what he's saying is: if there were more black film executives then more black films would be nominated.

A travesty of a film, you get the feeling that Todd Haynes loathes David Bowie, especially when it came to his pop-stardom in the 80's. No wonder Bowie said he wanted nothing to do with with the film and didn't allow any of his music on it.

I'm beyond sick of how the American online press is dealing with this subject. All I hear is outrage, not constructive thought and criticism. How many films are released in a year? How many characters were played? How many spots for nominations? 5. So, undoubtedly, there will be "injustices" but Awards Ceremonies are

I agree with everything. But unlike most comments here I thought Ricky Gervais did a great job, without him this would have been one of the worst Globes I've ever watched.

So…can anyone tell me if I should start watching Mozart In The Jungle? I like Transparent, Workaholics, You're the Worst and was a big fan of Parks & Rec…i have no idea if it's for me. Any opinions?

I like Jennifer Lawrence but that was a travesty. Any of other actresses deserved that award way more than her.

I would love to smack anyone who says "the feels"

Hmmm intriguing, sounds very original, I'm gonna give it a try

I meant to ask: is this one of these cartoons that looks like it's for kids but it's not really, like Rick & Morty and Bojack Horseman?

Is this anything like Rick & Morty?

Only if Trump wins…and, if that happens, the zombie apocalypse will probably finally happen.

A year that starts with a new Bowie release can only mean 2016 will be a great (and cryptic and magical) year

Creatively satirising ANY religion I would call a maverick freethinking act yes and I'm done arguing with you right-wing crazies, go polish your gun

Oh fuck I'm done, you're just arguing for the sake of it

The surge in female-oriented science fiction is due to many factors, most importantly the internet and social media, which helped people gain access to more information (and more diverse sources of information) and, therefore, start asking more questions. Information used to be extremely controlled and limited so that

Very thoughtful and insightful comment there and I agree, it might have more to do with movies that focus on interpersonal relationships. That said, the reason I love Judd Apatow comedies, as flawed as they can be, is because of his focus on male camaraderie and male bonding.

I agree but I have one observation to make: Sleeping Beauty (which is my all time fav classic Disney film btw), Cinderella and Tangled all had stories that revolved around romance. That's why girls were lured to it. Frozen might have been the exception: although it also featured romance it was mostly about the

Let's not forget that the vast majority of girls have, historically, not been into stuff like fantasy, action movies and sci-fi. I remember back in the 80's, girls at my school were definitely NOT into it. And that was ok, they had their stuff and we had our stuff.

You are more than allowed to disagree with Trey and Matt's opinion, and with my opinion as well. This ain't Nazi Germany. But the fact that my opinion bothers you so much says something about your own social and political views.

I don't watch South Park to have an "informed take on anything". I read news websites for that. However, South Park has been consistently good in exposing the self-righteousness of a part of the American population, which I'm sure includes you and Don Marz over there.