
Yeah I really hope that the next X-Men writer sends the 60's X-Men back. The biggest downside from this plot is that the chances of the older, adult version of Jean ever being back is becoming increasingly more unlikely, since her teenage version is apparently becoming quite popular.

When you stop to think about it it's beyond ludicrous: First of all, calling her Hope is way too much in the nose. Second, even though she looks like Jean Grey there has never been an explanation for that…it was just a coincidence. And she took the last name Summers because Cable adopted her but c'mon!!! So she is a

Also, it's worth pointing out that Hope Summers was the worst thing to happen to the X-Men since Onslaught and I'm glad she's gone for the time being

There's a reason why Morrison made a name for himself, he has a very specific style and he's not afraid to push the boundaries of established superheroes. I personally dislike the X-Men as school teacher's but it's not a bad idea in itself and his run was highly influential. A great artist provokes the audience, say

I kind of liked it as well but the art was not right for that type of book (it looked like a Vertigo book which might have put some people off) and the villain was very bland but there was potential, definitely

X-Factor actually went corporate on the last volume by Peter David but it sadly only lasted about 12 issues

Exactly!! That cover pretty much represents the X-Men's image in the 80's, something that lasted all the way until the Blue and Gold team's era.

Thanks for the article, someone had to say it. As a long time X-Men fan I've been deeply disappointed on how Marvel has been handling them lately and although I loved Bendis' original New Avengers run I think he suffered from burnout in the end and his latest works, including his first volume of Guardians of the

The Lovely Bones failure really affected his self-esteem. Had it been a success I don't think he would have done The Hobbit in the first place

I wish I had something snarky to say but I'm just happy he's still around being his delightful weird self

"The left"…I ate it up and I'm not a leftist, I just like intelligent people on government, shoot me

"Please don't take the glasses off"

Don't you dare run away, maybe not Palin what about Bruno Mars? You still have a lot to answer for

S.E.Cupp looks like she would humiliate you in bed without a second thought.

A horror series from ABC Family? I think you guys misplaced an Onion article for an AV Club again!

Tina Fey's Sarah Palin still is one of the best things to come out of SNL and then they killed it when they invited her to the show, and then again for the 40th Anniversary. I really don't get it, maybe Lorne got the hots for her.

The Soup should come back on Comedy Central, it didn't really belong to E!

Yeah but it seems to be working, since his new album will debut at #1 ahead of One Direction and he was also #1 in the singles chart in the UK. It seems that his PR strategy is working wonders for his fanbase: hormonal teenage girls.

At least Miley seems honest most of the time.

Was it the 70's? I didn't check Wikipedia, as I should have.