
There has never been a more obnoxious pop "star" than Justin Bieber. Ever. I'm talking about all the way back to David Cassidy in the 60's.

I was gonna comment but I think the cynicism nadir has already been hit so good job guys, wouldn't expect anything less

What a great way to further demonise HIV positive people…Charlie's definitely the gift that keeps on giving

"The fact is our projects are infinitely better because we've had to fight through internalised racism, homophobia and sexism, and also the whole not allowing us to be visible"

Yeah I see the outpour of support on social media and all but…I don't know…I don't feel anything. Maybe if it happened in the city where I live or where my parents are but I feel weirdly detached about the whole thing.

So Cyrus is less of a commodity than Iron Man exactly why? Sorry if I'm being dense, I clearly don't have the same integrity as the Duplass

Sounds legit, if you're idiot you should pay for it since you're sharing the same oxygen as me

I remember being scared of this film for some reason…it might have been the blind man doppelgänger scene, that freaked me the fuck out

I was never a big DC but I have to admit that yes, JLU still is the best superhero animated show ever, with Batman: The Animated Series coming in second and X-Men in third IMO

I'm predicting a James Bond type of film…but, you know, with flashy costumes and a sense of humour

I was talking specifically about the people willing to the dirty work for the high ups, the young men who are indoctrinated into giving up their own lives because they think they will be greeted in heaven but a gang of virgins and the Prophet himself. I don't understand the minds of people like that, I don't.

Exactly. If you read the news every day you know that IS have been producing suicide bombers like it's a fucking factory, that they hate freedom and Western values and they will not stop until they are decimated.

Maybe I'm just becoming insensitive from reading the news every single day but, although I do feel it's terrible and I do feel sorry for everyone who died and their loved ones, I can't really say I'm surprised. At all. And more terrible stuff will happen, either in a smaller or larger scale, and there's not much we

i've been loving John Oliver, he manages to have the perfect balance in being informative and funny, I'd say even more than the last years of Jon Stewart at the Daily Show. His piece on the life of ex-cons was incredible

You're the reason Marketing executives make so much money

I never said they were awful, I just think in general there's not an outcry of fans of the original piece asking for a prequel. A sequel yes but not a prequel. Prometheus was a good film on its own without the connection to Alien.

I'm trying to think of one prequel that outdid the original and I can't

Darth Vader should have never been "explained", that's what was so menacing about him. One of the coolest, baddest villains in American pop culture was shown as a whiny boring character played by an equally boring actor and that was the biggest sin of this entire endeavour.

Even though Star Wars is considered sci-fi, it's actually more of a fantasy film, in terms of themes and structure, the whole "The prince has to save the princess and fight an evil dragon" trope but it was a fantasy with a twist, where the princess is not a damsel in distress, the prince doesn't end up with the

I don't think you're taking into consideration the period of time when those movies were released. They were the first proper "action sci-fi" films ever made with mind-blowing visual effects. No other film prior to Star Wars had come close to it, Star Trek was an entirely different beast, with more of a focus on the