
upvoted for attempting to stay in character

Oh don't give me that. It's an Avengers film for God's sake, it has to end with a huge crazy battle, there's no other way around it. I loved the whole thing and I'm saying this objectively, not as a Marvel fanboy. It was a terrific action film. Overstuffed, yes, but it still worked despite that.

Can we please stop with prequels? Honestly, why Hollywood thinks we care about them? I love the first two Alien films but I'm really not that interested in the "origins" of the Xenomorphs, just give me more of them. It got to such ridiculous levels that not we're having a "prequel" to Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Really?

I'll say this: either Jesse just proven he has balls by trying to defend this film or he was very very bored.

Yeah at the end of the day Star Wars is meant to be popcorn fun, just like superhero movies, but screenwriting techniques aside you really have to be invested on the characters. People didn't love the ending of Age of Ultron because "oh wow look, a city is floating, it looks so real", they loved it because Whedon

I tried reading the entire article but stopped in the middle…that's how boring I think The Phantom Menace is, not because the article is badly written. The worst thing about it is the focus on the politics of the Empire and Jedis. My memories of the original trilogy always had to do with the action moments, but here

I don't follow most mainstream tv shows (last ones were Mad Men and Parks & Rec) but I decided to give The Leftovers a try. It's not bad but it gives me constant Lost deja vus, which I don't think it's exactly a good thing. But I heard it gets better on the second season so I'm sticking to it.

Must be nice to make a living off of girls' raging hormones during puberty

Does the space cold make your nipples go pointy Bowie?

Wait, releasing a Patsy Walker comic is "taking risks"? I'm confused

You know you don't have to watch it right?

No. Just no.

Paul Bettany, or as his close friends call him, "The Vision", is a good-looking blonde white English man with a posh accent, married to a gorgeous American brunette, so that tells you how much knowledge he probably has on the plight of the homeless. I'm surprised that this insane vanity project got distribution.

James White sounds like me, my narcissism and immaturity compels me to watch this movie

Impossibly beautiful people pretending to have ordinary problems. Sure, what could go wrong with that?

If the AV Club wants me to start developing a crush on John Mulaney, they are succeeding. Damn it.

Juliette Binoche is in this?? Damn that almost swayed me into watching this Oscar-baiting crap.

Even when he's drunk

Thanks Grammar Nazi

Are we being ageist now? She looked fuckin hot in that cheerleader outfit, I don't care how old she was