
He "died", so did Doctor Strange and he is starring in his own book now. I think because SW is set on an alternate universe every death will be reversed by the last issue

Well apparently Old Man Logan will be used for the next Wolverine film so I do think that every new character under the X-Men family can be used by Fox

I've grown to hate time travel. It's a fun sci-fi concept but it has been used to death, especially with the X-Men

There's a reason why Disney decided to launch 5 Star Wars titles

No that's Cyclops, the original. Why did you think that?

I think Dan Slott did a lot for character development but they always end up going back to the status quo

Mind control is the worst trope in comic books, I wish there was a mandate banning it

Maybe I'm a purist but I don't like 200 X-Men running around the same way I don't like 10 Hulks or 5 Spider-Men

Am I the only one who wants adult Jean Grey back?

Well but you gotta admit that he created his own style, you know a Greg Land comic when you see it and that's a pretty good thing for an artist

I thoroughly disliked the new Bendis characters and I think having so many X-Men is not necessarily a good thing. The only good thing about Lemire's first issue was that he opted for a tight small group

Or it could mean pissing off the government somehow and being declared criminals. I loved the whole 80's punk vibe they had with Marc Silvestri, I think they were at their coolest

I think the X-Men work best when written as outcasts

I don't think Marvel will ever stop publishing comics and it's naive to think they will remain the kings of the box office forever.

You know what, I didn't. Yeah I'm aware of the porn stars photoshops and so on but I don't hate it. I'm enjoying him on Invincible Iron Man and I think he actually improved a lot since his X-Men days

No worries. I agree, they are not phasing out the line in any way but…I don't know, the whole thing seems fishy to me, as if something is off. But maybe that's just bad creative decisions, as opposed to editorial or corporate mandates. The best writers out there have failed with the X-Men (Peter Milligan, Ed Brubaker,

I loved the first issue of Secret Wars but the whole thing became a mess, with the delays and the event having clearly no significant impact on the Marvel U. There was also an onslaught of tie-ins that served absolutely no purpose

This new Raven is sooooo awful

Maybe Bendis just likes him? "Let's just throw some Puck here, you can't never get enough Puck"

Not a father tough! I think it ruined Wally West when he got married with two teenage kids. Peter has to be relatable to new young readers…having a girlfriend is fine but kids I think it's a bit too much