
But Raven wasn't as well

Spider-Man has not changed one bit, since Slott is still running the show. If you were enjoying it you'll still enjoy it.

Well that's just a matter of taste, I see no problem with a "Jerk Superman" for a few issues, it was kinda refreshing to be honest.

Yeah that was certainly not Remender's decision, that was editorial, maybe as a way to prevent Fox from using the Scarlet Witch?

I can't remember the last time I was excited about the X-Men. I don't think Matt Fraction's "Pop X-Men" run was bad but a lot of people seemed to take issue with Greg Land's art

"Magik the boob window is yours now. Use it wisely…and perky."

Who the fuck wants to see a Peter Parker "baller" anyway? Single, screwing a bunch of chicks? Was that Quesada's intention? That Carlie Cooper character was damn awful, I'm glad she was written out of the book

The first issue was awful, I think they are trying to bring back the legacy Titans, since the revamped Teen Titans book has been a disaster. Curiously Starfire is nowhere to be seen on the book.

What? They fought plenty of villains and adding a little drama to a group dynamic is never a bad thing, imo. Darkseid War has been an absolute blast so far.

I'm pretty sure that interview happened way after Bendis had already started to write the books so it might be a new mandate

I don't know, do you think Grayson and Batman are garbage? What do you dislike about Johns' Justice League?

Well…I don't see Peter and MJ getting back together anytime soon so who knows, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing. Even if they got together it probably wouldn't last

Maybe I phrased it wrong, I apologise. But I politely disagree, I don't think Marvel could cancel the X-Men titles without a giant backlash, especially in this age of Twitter outrage. Also, Marvel Studios would be nowhere without the comic books fanbase, I don't know the synergy between the comics and the films,

Carey's X-Men was really good, although I personally dislike his version of Rogue, I prefer Chris Claremont's flying, super-powered, big hair Rogue

That is a panel from Extraordinary X-Men, not Uncanny. And yeah, that looks like Puck, I think he became an official member after the X-Force book. Danger and Warlock are also not mutants but became members nonetheless

I wonder where Hope Summers is, the biggest macguffin in the history of comic books

DC has always been kind of a mess but Justice League is imo the best superhero book right now

I read #600 and Puck was nowhere to be seen. But he was part of a dreadful X-Force book that lasted 10 issues, I think.

Peter David is one of my favourite writers of all time and I think that was a big fuck you. "Yeah I made Guido the master of hell, you got problem with that?"

Have you checked the new miniseries, Titans Hunt? Man I have no idea of what DC is trying to do with that, I think they are attempting to re-retcon the Teen Titans after that awful Convergence event, but the whole thing is a mess. I feel sorry for Teen Titans fans, they were the ones who got the short end of the stick