
Business wise I think it's the right move, why promote something that the competition will profit from? But as a fan I'm obviously disappointed

That's a weak rhetoric. As I said on a comment below they cannot cancel or kill off the X-Men because of the huge fanbase but I do think they would if they could. Also, everyone on the internet started commenting on this whole "Inhumans replacing the X-Men thing". So do you honestly think that, when they were planning

Like I said, Marvel cannot "kill off" the X-Men, even if Disney wanted them to. They can cancel the Fantastic Four with no problem but the X-men are a whole different ballgame. So if they have to keep publishing them, maybe against corporate wishes, then they must at least make an effort, therefore they hired Lemire

Guido Carosella, Master of Hell.

His Animal Man was brilliant, best comic out of the New 52 along with Swamp Thing

I cringe at this whole "huge barrier to entry of comic continuity". Any character's history is just a click away on Wikipedia, how hard can it be? When I started reading Uncanny X-Men it was during the Fall of the Mutants saga. I couldn't understand a lot of things that were mentioned by the characters but that just

I don't think Bendis would do that. Maybe some flirting here and there but any sex would sink the character into a new low, considering his friendship with Spider-Man

A good way to "fix" the X-Men would be to have the US government declare them criminals, for whatever reason. The X-Men were at their best when they were persecuted outcasts back in the 80's. I'm still not that fond of the whole "X-Men as teachers" concept, created by Grant Morrison. I do think Morrison's run was

Why? I love Mary Jane, I hated Quesada and his whole deal with the devil bullshit so I'm glad that Marvel is making an effort to keep her on the spotlight, it might be good for character development

No but c'mon…they put an obscure character from the new Squadron Supreme book but no X-Men? These Marketing decisions are not made on a whim, everything has a clear corporate reason. In my opinion the only reason Marvel hasn't cancelled the X-Men titles is because they would never be able to get away with it, the fans

I could try to explain Cable, Rachel Summers and Hope Summers existence to you but I'm trying to avoid an aneurysm

Magik, Colossus' sister

"Marvel, stop trying to make Inhumans happen. It's not gonna happen".

If you check the promotional material for "All-New All-Different Marvel" you'll notice no X-Men characters featured apart from Old Man Logan. There's probably a reason for that.

As a long-time X-Men fan I agree with Oliver wholeheartedly, this was awful. I do hate cartoonish art for an X-Men title, since I started reading them during the "sexy outcasts" Marc Silvestri era, but I understand that some people might enjoy it. However, I think he hit the spot regarding everything else, the X-Men

Hey, The DaVinci Code was turned into an action-thriller, the sky's the limit!

I would, I would definitely put it on my Top 10 Australian films, at least mainstream ones. And yeah, I like Rachel Griffiths a lot as well, I was a huge fan of Six Feet Under


You should definitely check her first film, "Muriel's Wedding", one of the best features to come out of Australia and she's amazing in it

That bulging vein on her forehead freaks me out