
Can you imagine what Terry Gilliam could do with Doctor Strange? That would have been a match made in heaven but obviously he would never agree to work under the constraints of Marvel Studios

I don't find him awkward actually…and I like the accent and the dry humour.

As Charlie Kauffman said on Adaptation:

I understand that, what I'm saying it that the movie is about the choices we make and she made the choice of staying with him and she made the choice of going on that underpass and she also made the choice of not running away insanely as soon as that guy showed up. Could things have turned out differently if she did

Yes I think it's his best film precisely because of that…it's all about how the choices we make, regardless of the importance, can have rippling effects for better or worse.

It could have been charming if it was a simple indie drama but since it was sold as a horror…

The Innkeepers to me had no point, I couldn't understand its reason to exist as a film other than West attempt to fuse an indie mumblecore with horror. The ending just proved how entirely pointless the whole exercise was, there was no payback. I turned to my friend and we were like "What the fuck was that?"

Exactly! The best horror films are the ones where the filmmaker is not guiding audiences by the hand…there has to be some level of ambiguity and uncertainty.

Sure, you're right. Looking back now, I did find the first Paranormal Activity scary, even though I don't really believe in ghosts. But I still say that stories with mental health killers are far scarier

Yeah I know, the movie has balls, clearly…but I wouldn't want to watch it again…same with Funny Games

Agree…exorcism doesn't scare me in the slightest but that's because I find the whole idea of God and Devil too silly. Mental health scares me way more because it's a real thing…like Leatherface

The 1st one was not bad

It can be two things, definitely…I'm just not scared by most polished, big-budget horror films. I like my horror cheap-looking, with the exception of The Shining

I hated the nihilistic ending, especially considering the charisma of the main actors but it's not a bad film

I watched the first 3 episodes of Season 1 and really enjoyed it…hope it just gets better

Disagree. Yeah sure, he considered it his fault but she was the one who decided to go to that underpass at night. She was a victim of the rape, sure, but she was the one who made the choice.

Boy, an Argentinan-French director…that's the nadir of presumptuousness

Very good point. As I said, to me it's a straight-up satire

I should add this: it's too polished and slick to be scary but I do think it's not a bad film, solid B-

Maybe they didn't care to make the monsters scary since the 3rd act is not really supposed to scare anyone (although the whole premise of Old Gods taking over is a bit scary in itself) but what do I know? Point is, CGI in horror should be used sparsely and carefully and that's the reason I find the majority of modern