
You're Next is not a bad film but it is **such** a downer, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. The film ends and you're left with that and it doesn't sit well at all.

One of my biggest gripes with the movie…scrap that, with ALL modern horror movies…is the use of CGI. It never really works so even though it was cool to see all of that in the end, it did look like a video game in a way.

isn't Cabin in the Woods a satire? If so then it cannot be considered a straight-up horror. However, I'll say that people watching the movie without any prior knowledge of it will probably be watching it as if it was a horror movie until the 3rd act.

I don't get the criticism. The Muppets, at least on the original tv series, were always a bit too crazy and wacky towards each other…Sesame Street they were not. And Kermit is just being regular Kermit to me: maybe Dan forgot about it but in Jason Segel's The Muppets he was this rich guy living in a fancy mansion

fratboys need something to watch since Entourage was cancelled

No piece of art is perfect, period, ask any art critic, that's not the point of making art in the first place. The only thing in this world that is meant to be perfect is technology.

The ending of Blair Witch Project still haunts me

She was by far the best part of that movie

"No version of The Shining is perfect". Wait a second, is there such a thing as a perfect movie? A perfect book? A perfect painting? Art is not meant to be perfect.

Yes just like Rob Lowe and John Stamos do as well

In all honesty Kitty probably freaked out when Magik became the female version of Cloud from FFVII

You're the version of Pixie that got her soul stolen by Magik

You know who's also adorable? Littlefoot!!

But how can someone with a Pixie avatar hate The Land Before Time? Or is Pixie being used ironically?

You were trouble weren't you?

Zach is sooooo dreamy.

Great…I'm still with it then

Mark Paul Gosselar deserves better goddammit

If I wasn't so broke I'd definitely contribute.

I never "got" How I Met Your Mother, is it happening to me?