
Who the hell thinks that SNL ISN'T part of the system? They are at NBC man! GE! We're not talking about Comedy Bang Bang here

Yeah but Colin is pretty

Exactly, it isn't funny. Boy don't you miss King of Queens? Now **that** was some solid and witty 30 min of comedy

I wish I could make a joke about this but there's absolutely nothing funny about it, not even remotely. SNL may think that they're joking by putting him there but Trump has proved that every stupid thing he does only increases his support.

Hey man if you wanna be angry at someone for this trend blame Dreamworks, they were the one who started it with Shrek.

I honestly cannot understand how someone can enjoy The Royal Tennenbaums and not Life Aquatic. Is it the lack of Gene Hackman? But hell, no Gene Hackman but more Bill Murray…and Cate Blanchett to boot and she was great in it.

And now we're back with another segment of "Who's Asking For This?" Joining us tonight will be George Lucas

I couldn't get into it because it focused too much time on the kids and I was much more interested in the adult characters.

I love Wes Anderson but I cannot, for the life of me, get into Mr. Fox. I understand, as far as stop-motion is concerned, is probably the best one out there but I still didn't like it.

This whole cult does look more like a corporation than a religion. Scientology's main selling points are its name, which implies is has some scientific rationale behind its teachings (it definitely doesn't), and the celebrity endorsement. But who the hell decides to join a religion because it has Tom Cruise, John

I didn't know about the abortion thing. Well but still…in terms of pure misogyny no religion can beat Islam, Judaism and Christianity (in that order). I only recently found about about this but according to Orthodox Jewish belief a woman is not allowed to drive a car, just like Islam belief.

No religion is perfect, since no human is perfect, and any sort of teaching or philosophy can be twisted (see Nietzsche and the Nazi movement) but Buddhism, as far as I know, it's the least judgmental. Buddhism doesn't discriminate against "non-believers" or women and gay people and there are no unbreakable rules or

Good choice but I think he would be a bit too subversive for NBC execs

Yeah that's right. I really like her, although the only funny Debbie Downer sketch to me was the first one.

I completely agree, I don't think he has it in him anymore, which is understandable. They should put someone like Tina Fey in charge (although I doubt she would take the job).

Completely agree but I would add the Seth Meyers era as well. The show still had Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, Rachel Dratch, Kristen Wiig, Fred Armisen, Andy Samberg and Bill Hader, all terrific comedians. And Jason Suidekis has always been a great "straight man".

I cannot understand, for the life of me, Colin Jost as head writer. Shouldn't an SNL head writer have a bit more life experience? It's a daunting endeavour, there are many different stakeholders, a mainstream comedy show has to please all generations and classes…it's not an easy job at all.

I'll repeat a comment made earlier: the only reason to watch SNL these days is Kate McKinnon and I don't understand why she's not getting the "Kristen Wiig treatment" and starring in more sketches. She only had ***one line*** on last weeks' Harry & Sally sketch and she was the funniest by far…that takes real talent.

They're all pretty bad (except Buddhism) but those two are just ludicrous, I cannot take anyone who's into either seriously. The first uses crazy sci-fi concepts to justify extreme patriarchy concepts and the other uses crazy sci-fi concepts to justify its elitism.

Which is worse, Mormonism or Scientology? Oh sorry, I didn't mean to be disrespectful