
Now really: who's asking for this?

OH MY GOD those people seriously need real problems. I have 10 real problems to spare, as soon as I get Ida Lockett's postcode I'll send a few to her.

The AV Club is saying that a Shonda Rhimes show is good. I think the fabrics of reality are tearing apart.

So let me get this straight: we should have been deprived of seeing the awesome Tilda Swinton in the role of the Ancient One in "Doctor Strange" so that an Asian actor (who of course wouldn't be a big name, unless they decided on hiring Jackie Chan or Jet Li) could get the opportunity. I understand the anger regarding

It's really amazing. I got into it because I read an article about how Bojack was one of the best shows to tackle the subject of depression…and that's exactly it: talking about depression with humour, which is also the reason why I'm into Rick and Morty.

Yeah but I don't find it offensive to its audience

"A movie with Jenna Elfman is bad? Say whaaaaaaaaaaaat?"

He was able to make his point with very paragraphs, which really IS a talent…if I was to review a movie I would be tempted to write 10 long paragraphs and they would be undoubtedly convoluted

I haven't seen it yet but it does make me wonder about the state of "insult" comedy…it is becoming a very, very lazy idea, more than it was in the first place and it seems that a lot of American comedies (feature films included) cannot get away from it for whatever reason. That's why I find people like Louis CK and

Apparently one cannot use the word 'slave' in America in any context.

Maybe the women you know, I'm talking about ALL women. If you'd pick every adult man and every adult woman and put them to watch Mad Max or Avengers…do you think there would be a difference of opinion between the men and the women? Meryl Streep was talking about numbers, of course there would be women into those films

Roger Ebert's reviews taught me a lot about films. I wouldn't agree with him every time but he really understood filmmaking and the relationship between a movie and its audience.

"Yeah yeah that fucking great actress over there? She's a moron. Hey lady, you're not better than me!"

Everybody's piling on her but she might have a point. As a man I loved flicks such as "Mad Max" or "Avengers: Age of Ultron" and both received raving reviews for the most part…but I wonder if the majority of female critics loved these movies as much as the men…if females in general loved these films as much as the men.

That's the Disney Channel

The saddest thing of it all is how much the Marketing Director of ABC Fa..sorry, #FrEEForm (is that it? it should be) gets paid to come up with brilliant solutions like that

Hmmm true, I agree. But I wonder if at this point Roiland and Harmon will mess with this concept again, considering everything that this version of the family has been through this season…I think it would diminish all that happened.

I blame China for this

Also weird was the fact that Morty was ok with leaving his original family behind. Rick is a crazy manic-depressive sociopath but Morty isn't (yet, he's getting there).

I keep wondering if Rick and Morty will eventually go back to the Kronenberg-Earth…it's worth remembering that the real Jerry, the real Morty's father, overcame his insecurities and became a badass.