
Well then I will put on my humble hat and say it might be a difference in taste in music. I genuinely like Die Another Day and I'm a guy who's also into stuff like David Bowie, Kraftwerk, Arctic Monkeys, etc. I like the beat, I like the lyrics ("Sigmund Freud…analyse this") and I like the video.

I'm betting that you're one of those who has a beef with Madonna just for the fact that she's a controversial and powerful woman, and also one who has a beef with anyone trying something different with a SACRED James Bond theme. Do you even enjoy or appreciate electronic music?

Well I see your point but I respectfully disagree. Doyle was white and I don't think there's absolutely anything wrong with him, if he was still alive, wanting to keep his character white, which I assumed he would considering his upbringing and background. That's his race…it doesn't necessarily defined him but it is

Oh pleeeease…so are mosquitoes the only source of food for spiders? What about the other bazillion annoying insects out there? Regardless of what people say no, I do not think Mother Nature is perfect, I think she did skip some classes during high school to go smoke in the bathroom…and now we have things like

The analogy was to illustrate the point that people who join a religion (any, even buddhism) are bound to feel superior to everyone else because they "found the truth and oh poor you who's still in the darkness", which is my main problem with any religion: it ends up segregating human beings, which is the opposite of

I don't think Bourdain is perfect, as apparently that's what people expect celebrities to be, but I think he's smart enough to be aware of how douchy he can come across.

I can't say this with full knowledge but I'm gonna take a wild guess and claim that for a mother struggling to get by in places like Vietnam or Nicaragua, being a vegetarian does sound like a luxury or just a far fetched idea.

Uh…cockroaches serve a purpose? Sure, I guess if you think that everything has a purpose in life that would make sense. But I disagree.

Dear sir: you writing "techno garble" implies that anything considered "electronica" is as foreign to you as Syrian refugees.

I, for one, am not for Elba, which obviously means I'm a racist, but little old me just feels that the original author's idea for his character should be preserved and respected, regardless of people's agendas. If we're always going by that logic then the next Indiana Jones should be Chinese. Is that how this game is

I guess it could fit nicely to Idris Elba taking over the role…as apparently the entire internet demands.

Is Bourdain an asshole because he tries to stay true to himself, despite what the media and the marketing research people tell him? I don't love him but the man always comes across as being genuine on camera and he gets my respect for it.

Trust me on this: no studio would touch Lady Gaga with a 10 inch pole these days. The media and the public opinion completely turned against her in the past couple of years and not even her duet with Tony Bennett could save it. She has never been a serious contender.

That would work but Sia and her giant wig fetish would probably get in the way of the Marketing strategy and singing at the Oscars and all

I'm guessing since the 40's people have been saying that "stuff outside the mainstream is great"….however, I don't care how many times Pitchfork has tried to convince me…Animal Collective and Panda Bear are SHIT and I'd rather have a Miley Cyrus song any day over that low-fi shoegazer nonsense.

I'm still trying to figure out why Bourdain hasn't taken Colicchio's hosting duties over on Top Chef. I think that show is desperate for a too-badass-to-care-about-feelings type of host.

BTW: She got a lot of flack for it but Madonna's theme was way better than most of the other themes, at least she had the balls to put some beats to it and her video for Die Another Day was better than that entire goddamn movie (I'll never forget Brosnan jumping out of the helicopter to safely start surfing on the

Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic: is that the fact that Sam Smith was chosen to sing the new James Bond theme, after Adele and the amazing Skyfall, a sign that our pop culture has gone further down the hill?

Brilliant idea!!! We all know by now how the Twitterati is fair and rational when it comes to making decisions

I think her being a meat eater would be like Sarah Palin being a real person as opposed to a character on SNL.