
Also, I'm fully expecting a new Morrissey song inspired by this, called "Your Persona is Too Badass But I Care" or something

Sure, blame Bourdain for animals being mistreated in abattoirs…yeah, THAT'S the ticket!

I wasn't being sarcastic, I have absolutely nothing against Kesha and I do feel sorry that she's in this situation…but this is the AV Club so…

I just came here to see the "what career?" comments

Nah, at least not like today. Mid to late 90's internet porn was mostly about pictures, full movies were still something a bit hard to get, especially for free.

Can you blame them? I'd say even Luke Cage…I mean, he has "indestructible skin". You cannot get any more badass than that and he's even too cool to wear a costume. And now there's Blue Marvel as well, who's been portrayed not only as Marvel's version of Superman but also a crazy brilliant scientist to boot. I

I can't speak for everyone out there but, as a boy, I didn't get any pleasure from seeing girls getting killed…to me there was no difference between a girl or a boy getting killed, it was the killing itself, it was the forbidden and also the rooting for the lead character to win in the end. But there was definitely

On demand is fine and all…but what about the joy of programming? Of flipping through channels and seeing that classic cult film or tv series you never thought of again showing ? I hope live tv and programming are still around, even if for a minority like me.

Call me crazy (or maybe, call me an adult) but I'll pass this show and give Hotel a try. I liked the promos and I'm happy that the show is back to the present time and maybe the lack of Jessica Lange will inject some new life into it.

That's pretty accurate, Black Panther has always been treated as perfect and flawless on the comics as well, which has always irritated me a bit but I guess he's an important fictional role model for some kids out there.

So Mystique screwed her likeable husband over so that Dr. Doom could take up the role.

What is that voice? Who's she emulating? It's like a 10 year old singing

Flash and Supergirl? Fine, I get it. My question is: who are the people watching Arrow? It cannot be just girls, the main target audience I thought of at first because Ammell shows off his naked torso on pretty much every opportunity he gets and also because it's on the CW. Guys must be watching as well, right? Why?

I'm still baffled by people giving a damn about the Emmys when you have the Golden Globes, a much superior, and funnier, awards show

Where's Radiohead when you need them?

I'm sorry but the Secret Wars Infinity Gauntlet book is hardly one of the best out there, people have to stop praising a book just because of diversity, it hurts the cause more than it helps.

I don't watch torture porn anymore since I, you know, reflected about it after the Saw movies and decided that life is too short.

"Scorsese hasnt made a great movie since Bringing out the Dead and Jagger hasnt made any good music in what, 43 years?"

That's hardly the point: you don't minimise someone's abusive behaviour by comparing it to another abuser, especially one who's a millionaire.

**THE** most underrated show on tv, after Bojack Horseman. It's a shame that animation is still considered "kid's stuff".