To whom do I address the invoice for the time I have to waste doing this?
To whom do I address the invoice for the time I have to waste doing this?
Yo gawker. You suck
@kingcrim84: good post
@acidrain69: Some think NeXT purchased Apple. Even the API calls in OSX start with NS for NeXTStep.
@bailfire: exactly
self esteem through self mutilation.
$29.95? yow
I made a caesar style salad with anchovies blended in (you couldn't see them). A girl who was eating it said she loved the dressing. I told her it had anchovies and she then didn't eat another bite. "I hate anchovies!!"
@iAndroid: Like the "X bible" e.g. the Java Bible, the Photoshop Bible etc. That name implies that the majority of the book is wrong
@Avedis: Uh, no thanks. I'll go with cornmeal like actual pizzaioli
Holy crap! Cats on the internet. Alert the media
@reifer: really? you go abroad and all you can think about is watching tv? really?
Sure beats reading. And it aids in my transformation to slack jawed yokel!
I feel like Bill Clinton pointing out that it depends on the meaning of "works" when you say "works over 3G".
Or you can download the Lifehacker iPhone or android app. You do have them being a "tech" site right?
Man, this guy's playing is on fire
Now that's thinking outside the box
Last night my cat was licking my face. OMG! Overturning prop 8 has made "having sex with animals" a reality!
You forgot the part about it making your dick fall off