Marla Hooch

I’m from North Dakota - no one calls the people there Nodaks. But I went to NDSU and I was hoping they’d choose it because it was the worst one on the list.

Welcome to the modern GOP. Their entire campaign theme at all levels is to endlessly whine about the media and the nature of the questions asked. They whined at Fox, they whined at CNN and now at CNBC. Here is something not mentioned by Reince - he negotiated the deal for the debate and approved the moderators. It is

Look, feminists. I love us. We’re a great bunch, for the most part. But Christ on a cracker, are we literal and judgmental when it comes to song lyrics. Everything is always taken to the nth degree, to the worst possible interpretation. Couldn’t this song just be about someone who’s taking a look back on her life and

+1 for the handle alone. WHAT A HITTER!

Oh God. The Bartman game, Cubs were up 3-0 in the 8th, people are the bar were congratulating me (I was decked out in my Cubs stuff). Then the meltdown. I walked home in tears, realized halfway home I forgot my debit card at the bar and walked back to get it. No one looked at me when I came back in.


Ha, thank you! And no, it is not at all creepy. Millihelen has some GREAT comments, right? You can get a recommendation for damn near anything on here, usually from someone who’s tried, like, everythingintheworld. If you want more of the same (WHO DOESN’T), has a lot of commenter-crossover with mH, and also

It also claims that her clerks were “coerced by the threat of contempt sanctions” into granting marriage licenses.


one of us! one of us! ONE. OF. US!

Hiya, toots!

I can’t believe how much I get to use this gif lately. Welcome!

I love your Kinja name! Marla Hooch is my spirit animal.

Yum!!! Also, great name. ;) She was always a bit of a hero to me.

Nice to meet you too! Stick around, kid!

Now playing

My friends I am so happy SnS has arrived. I found this earlier today and I have been waiting all day to share it with my good Jeaebel friends. What we have here is the Republican Presidental Debate as done by the good folks at Bad Lip Reading. I knew you all would appreciate this so enjoy. Ben Carson steals the show