Marla Hooch

Hello fellow NDSU grad!! I liked Roughriders, but had a feeling they would pick one of the boring ones out of protest.

Cubs fan here, so I can commiserate with you! Also, I just saw The Martian today! I have the book on hold at the library and I'm not looking forward to trying to decipher the super science-y parts!

For me, it was game 7. I was out watching the game and once it became obvious the Cubs were going to lose, I knew had to head home as I couldn't let the public see what was going to happen. I was 22, still living at home and see my mom is watching the game. So I sit down next to her and watch the 9th inning. As soon

I think you are me! I've been lurking for a year or so and finally made the decision to start commenting. I know what you mean about feeling like you know a lot of the commenters. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my lurking! Welcome!!

This may sound weird coming from me because I never comment on here, but I think you are totally awesome! You give the best makeup advice! I never used to wear makeup but somehow I became totally obsessed with watching makeup tutorials on YouTube and decided that I was missing out on a lot of fun by not wearing it, so

My best friend and I were on vacation in Gulf Shores. It was our first morning and I was in that gray area between asleep and awake when I hear a scream. Like, a is someone being murdered at 7:30 on a Thursday morning scream. I get up and my friend is yelling about a cockroach in the shower. I got all brave and

I waited tables for a few years. I have a recurring dream that I am in the weeds and no matter what I do, I cannot get out. I keep getting sat and no one at my tables knows what they want to order, but won’t let me leave to take care of other tables. I can’t remember how to use the POS or the buttons are too small on

If you're crazy, then I'm crazy too. That was my first thought! Kim's worn that before, right?!

Part of the reason I was so hesitant to comment was because I am so not clever enough to come up with a good user name. I was watching the movie tonight and when they introduce her and she's standing so far away from the camera and waving, it was like a lightbulb went off in my head! Plus, she was one badass baseball

Haha! It's perfect!


Thanks! I'm excited to be a part of the gang!

Thanks! And my first reply! I'm so excited!

I'm devouring a bowl of sea salt caramel fudge gelato as we speak!

I love LOST!! It's one of those shows I wish I could wipe my memory of and watch it over from the beginning not knowing anything about it! I will defend the finale until my dying day!

This is my very first post on Jezebel even though I've been reading this website for maybe about two years now. I've never commented before because I've never thought I had anything interesting or worthwhile to add. But after reading the comments sections for so long, I feel like I know so many of you and thought that