
I love how people think "I didn't actually bother to watch this" is a valid way to frame a negative opinion. Um, no, that actually makes you one of the least qualified people to critique something, probably worse than someone who didn't watch it at all.

Was it *supposed* to make sense?

These idiots are going to be idiots, they dedicate their lives to watching 10 hours of TV a day so literally cannot comprehend why you're angry but you know they'd be the first ones whining if the situation were reversed.

"At this point" being the beginning of the show? Because that's sort of always been the zombie thing in this universe.

I really don't get the feeling that we are supposed to be agreeing with her. She's quite obviously abusive towards him.

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

Nice try, but in the 2004 debates it actually seemed like Bush was having mental difficulties just speaking like a normal adult human being. I won't say Gore or Kerry are some kind of geniuses, but we're talking about a pretty damn low bar here.

2016 and still watching ads?

But then we lose Fringe, X-Files, Supernatural, etc. Hell, even shows like Pushing Daisies were basically procedurals. Mysteries are just an easy, compelling way to tell episodic stories.

I thought he looked more like Matt the Radar technician.

Yeah, it was just too quick, I know the book was like 800 pages long but that section really needed more room to breathe.

I'm really looking forward to this, and hoping they give it a somewhat more satisfying ending than the book. I love a lot of stephen king, but the man just can't write endings.

That is gross and I'm going to pretend you are lying.

It's honestly getting unreadable for me. And this is coming from someone who is constantly (mis)labeled as an SJW by the idiot teenagers of Reddit.

Reminds me of when I was a kid and saw one of those GI Joe "Knowing is half the battle" PSAs about how an apple gives you energy for an hour while a candy bar only lasts 15 minutes. Dubious science aside, the only real impact this had on me was that I figured I had to eat four times as much candy to get through the

God no, I'm really tired of the break-up/make-up plots with those characters. Just ignore the relationship and give them their own stories.

Is "forced, frantic, and kind of stupid" not the description of every variety show ever?

Well I wasn't going to go see the new star wars, but when he said "huh, tatooine" I immediately bought 147 tickets before I knew what I was even doing. That damn disney hypnotism!!

That's rocket-fuel grade stupidity you've got going on there.

I mean, if you are putting it in those terms then the answer is obviously yes.