
Comments like this along with the reviewer's "I don't know whether Grace being a terrible detective is a joke" just makes me think most of the hate for Ryan Murphy is that people just don't get his humor.

Agreed, and I think Rick did so pretty explicitly. The fact that he severely underestimated the scope of Negan's operation made the story interesting.

He is actually very different from the Governor in terms of motivation, character, and actions, and anyway I'm not really sure how much variety you think the category "post apocalyptic villainous humans" has to begin with. Seems like an odd criticism if you've already accepted the premise of the show.

I find people with this opinion typically stopped watching the show after a couple episodes into the first season. It's certainly no breaking bad, but it's an eminently watchable and interesting piece of television these days.

Did you guys miss the first couple seasons of this show when Phil acted the same way towards Gloria in every single episode?

Minority.. Port?

You keep using this word "jabroni". And it's awesome.

Adam Sandler is decent at the dramatic thing but ferrell is just a much better actor when he wants to be.

I mean, if you don't like Veep I don't really care about your other opinions..

Dude, airlock.

He was making an intentional joke. That wasn't the writers having it go over his head.

I got the exact same vibe from that scene. I actually thought they'd make it a bit more overt than it ended up being.

It's probably more like 20-30 minutes at the end, but sure.

I hate to agree with this, but I do. I like Matt Smith, I like Jenna Coleman, but that last half season with the two of them was just not good. If "Listen" is indicative of the quality moving forward (and I hope it is) then it was clearly the right choice for Smith to leave.

Good thing we have you and seemingly infinite other idiots around to make the exact same argument, over and over and over and over again, so we can all feel superior to these celebrities even though no one would ever want to see you naked and you have no idea what their lives are like.

"I don't know if they grade it, but… coarse"

Are you all just saying random words?

Seeing the word "Ranma" sent a burst of information through my brain that contained the entire opening song in one instant. I haven't thought about that since middle school…

This reviewer consistently seems to miss some of the most interesting stuff from the episode. For example, I thought the last few moments with Maldonado and Kennex smiling at their shared joke of shooting an MX while another MX glances up at them to be pretty ominous. It was the last shot of the episode and it

I think we've found Jonah's disqus account.