
As abhorrent and tone deaf as that ending was it was also a class warfare revenge fantasy where the lower class literally fucks the uppermost class in the ass.

Politics Corner - Nothing Happened Today edition. No earthquakes, no hurricanes, no apocalyptic speeches delivered to the UN laced with unhinged threats and childish insults, no movement towards passing a truly horrific health care bill without a full CBO score, no news about using campaign and RNC funds to pay

All of those are positive changes and the site has become noticeably less annoying. Please keep it up.

I’m new to kinja but did we just side step the fact that this comment was left by the actual Spider-Man?

Just got done seeing it and I honest to god feel like Aranofsky was legit trying to alienate people with this. It’s like 90 minutes of an off-putting Brechtian chamber drama followed by some of the craziest shit you’ll see in a mainstream film. Who the hell was this weird ass movie for?


I give it 5 stars out of 5.

So Abigail set her anti-Jackson plan into motion 20-odd years ago by kidnapping and brainwashing her brother’s son?

Yes, I am sure. I’m gonna die on a hill eventually, and this is a very on-brand hill to die on.

rapidly devolves into a violent nightmare of cannibalism, cultism, and genocide, gruesomely parodying the narrative of Christianity, from Genesis to the gospels.