Rocket Jock

So, you will, in other words. Though does this mean you didn't see the Lego Movie? Because it's more than a two-hour commercial.

That's what the detectives in David Simon's "Homicide" book say again and again. They want you to talk, but if you do, you're a fool. Guility or innocent, get lawyered up right away.

Gary Kroger, who (much) later guest-starred as the golfing weatherman on Curb.

This has nothing to do with Silicon Valley, but do you know why the adults eventually did see Snuffleupagus? It's because they didn't want Big Bird to have a secret that no one believed because they realized some of their young viewers might have some pretty nightmarish secrets, and they didn't want to give the

I'm guessing they included Dracula and left out Frankenstein, knowing they'd have Bride a few spots later. Whale's Frankenstein is much better than Dracula, but Dracula is so iconic they probably figured it deserved a spot.

In the meantime, here's what Leon's been up to lately…

That was a pre-Sunny Sweet Dee, right?

I think on the commentary for season 1, the decision for Larry and Cheryl not to have kids came down to the set designer asking Larry if he wanted drawings on the refrigerator, and Larry said "No."

Moe is their leader.

From the Wikipedia page devoted to Richard Meinertzhagen: "… he let a haversack containing false British battle plans fall into Ottoman military hands, "

The second one. Obviously.

The movie's final twist involving that one, really racist housewife is the perfect cherry on top of that crazy movie.

Abar is amazing. TCM shows it every so often. It's not good, not exactly, but it's certainly the result of an individual vision, and it has a surprisingly serious message at its heart that gets buried under a ton of (very entertaining) batshit craziness.

Plus, there's that scene at the rich people party where they burn the tree with a flamethrower.

I don't think this is mentioned in the article, but Vinegar Syndrome is in the process of releasing the Dolemite films on excellent, remastered Blu-rays, with "Dolemite" just out and "The Human Tornado" arriving soon (and, I'm guessing — and hoping — "Disco Godfather" and "Petey Wheatstraw" to follow). Sharp

That pause and replay is one of the great moments in cinema history.

I always thought an interesting twist on Fantasy Island would be to remove the "island" element and stage it like David Fincher's "The Game" — the fantasy would take place in the characters normal life, with actors, stunt people and special effects transforming it into something else.

This sounds good — I was not looking forward to a grim 'n' gritty reworking of jolly old Saint Nick. Though, to be honest, the Rankin Bass special "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" does an excellent job of casting Santa as an outlaw who goes against the Christmas-hating authority to bring the kids a little joy.

Also, and this is really nitpicking, no one called it HR back then. It was still known as "Personnel" when I got my first job, and that was in 1990.

When I was reviewing DVDs for a newspaper back when newspapers had people reviewing DVDs for them, I was sent a free copy of the Pink Lady set from Rhino. It remains one of my most treasured possessions.