Rocket Jock

Glad to see Tourneur get a little love, even if it was in the runner-up spot. Cat People is like no other movie ever made.

I always liked the scene in Vengeance when Jeremy Irons — while chewing on an apple! — casually takes the gun from Samuel Jackson and says "gotta take the safety off, sport," then shoot him. Cold. Blooded.

What seals the moment is he gives Jared the very briefest of smiles as he says it, acknowledging the magic.

He's also the fake Jack Webb-type character in "L.A. Confidential"

Those were the worst.

My favorite bit of Sesame Street trivia: In the early days, Big Bird was the only one who could see Snuffaluffagus, and no one else believed he existed. But the producers changed that when they realized some kids might have something they need to tell adults about, like abuse, and they didn't want the kids at home to

It's weird. I've got a nine-year-old daughter who's moved beyond these shows, but this article was a weird rush of recent nostalgia. I remember when Wonder Pets, Blue's Clues and Dinosaur Train dominated our TV. Also, Elmo's World is no more? Even before she knew anything else, she knew that music meant her favorite

Exactly. This. The best showcase for his considerable talent.

The best thing about this story is that if you're a regular listener of Never Not Funny, Jimmy's voice comes through loud and clear the whole way through "I'm not going to be mad at that song!"

I remember reading something John Waters wrote (many years ago) where he actually had Buscemi pose for his Christmas card because he looked so much like a younger John Waters.

So are the flashbacks with young Enoch and 1931 Nucky finally opening Gillian's Nellie Bly letter going to converge? Meaning, will we see young Enoch "procure" young Gillian for the Commodore, then see 1931 Nucky read the letter and remember he's the reason her life is such a nightmare in the first place?