Why do you assume he has not read, or received training on chess?
Why do you assume he has not read, or received training on chess?
The AFC is currently planning disciplinary action against the Iraqi Football Federation
I was curious so I tried to do the math. Uber takes 20% off the top of the 632, so you’re left with 500 bucks, plus the 300 tip so that’s roughly $800.
Yeah, I would absolutely love it if we could start compensating all NCAA employees and coaches with the same form of payment as the athletes that make the money. Paid tuition! They can go to all the classes they want!
But remember folks, all these student athletes are just amateurs, and don’t deserve any compensation above and beyond whatever education they may or may not be actually getting. Johnson may be one of the few exceptions that actually got an education, and managed to do so in 3 years, which is amazing in its own right…
This comment has new meaning in 2017.
Jesus was a 33 year old single man in a time period when men and women were married in their early twenties. A single 32 year old man living with his parents? Jesus was gay. It’s all in the bible.
“Your thoughts — even medically they’re knowing now — the mind is a battlefield and that’s why I wrote that book Train Your Brain because the mind is, it’s all in the Bible.”
Mr Pence: Ha, you see that honey (casually elbows her in the ribs)
Great piece, Dvora. This whole situation is just heartbreaking.
Life would be easier if I rooted for pretty much any other team. Why did my dad and my dad’s dad have to be Brooklyn Dodger fans? Why couldn’t they have been the only kids in Brooklyn and Queens to root for the Yankees? Sure, they would have been pariahs then, but now such a decision would just have looked smart.…
That’s also a clear flop by Olynyk.
The funniest part of this question is that Bryce Harper is unquestionably a “Philly guy,” at least in the sense these two dudes mean it.
One of America’s greatest heroes.
I feel like the Left needs to co-op “AMERICA: Love it or leave it.”
If this isn’t copypasta, it is now.
This was a really special team. They were sitting at 11 and goddamn 30 with no hope of a turnaround and every excuse to quit, in a league that has gotten to the point where tanking on one end and resting players on the other is encouraged. The NBA landscape is ripe for teams to give up individual games and entire…
Man, I’m glad I’m not an alcoholic.
The references to all coaches as “Coach So-and-so,” as if they’re fucking generals or something, is one of the things that irks me most about the NFL.
Tony, if you are reading this, hear me out... how about the Mets?