
That Lennon could sing A Day In The Life and Twist and Shout is pretty incredible.

You're not helping.

Even for a double album, it's long - over 90 minutes, which is around 20 minutes longer than Exile On Main Street, Electric Ladyland and Blonde On Blonde.

Have you heard Electric Arguments, the album with Youth under the name The Fireman? I think it's easily one of his best 'solo' albums.

Are there any McCartney Beatles songs you don't care for? (Not being snarky, just wondering.)

Yeah, it just rubs me the wrong way. Don't like the way he sings it, don't like the painfully unamusing Gideon's Bible line, and it strikes me more as a sneering parody than an affectionate one.

I like Smile, but there is justice in what you say.

To be fair, I do a bit of that as well. Not much, but a bit.

There hasn't been a band as good as The Clash since The Clash.

They had to stretch out their sets in Germany too, so they were adept at improvising and generally messing around. That probably stood them in good stead when it came to getting experimental later on, even if they didn't know it at the time.

The Card Cheat is a perfect rendition of the Wall of Sound, and also a nod to Born To Run.

I can see that a $20,000 turntable will be better than a $100 turntable - but will it be 200 times better?

Can we say Rocky Raccoon is grating though? My all-time least favourite Beatles tracks. (I don't skip it, though. I don't believe in skipping songs.)

I wouldn't cut it, but I might cut it down to 4 minutes.

I wondered about A Hard Day's Night and Help - maybe they were considered soundtrack albums, and so were exempt from the rule?
Other than those, I think it only happens on Please Please Me and Abbey Road. We'll give Let It Be a pass since those singles were different versions.

Whenever they have fewer upvotes than comments, it's never satire.

Sgt. Pepper. Not much else in music comes close to A Day In The Life. And the heavy drums into the chorus of Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds is about all the euphoria I can take. (Pet Sounds is amazing as well, of course.)

(Though they did sometimes.)

'Yours sincerely, wasting away' - that line always jumps out and alters the mood somewhat. But if we're talking about removing a Paul song to make way for Penny Lane, then it can go.
If we have to remove songs at all, that is. It would still only come to about 45mins if we added those two.

Yeah, the lines following that seem pretty important to the song and don't get quoted enough:
Man, I was mean, but I'm changing my scene
And I'm doing the best that I can