
We await instructions from George Soros on who to kill next.

Yep, One Night Stand.

It was a hot night, it seems.

I live near the River Tyne, so I could be one of the said boys from there. I'm not joining up with Scousers and Cockneys though, no sir.

I'll yield to your ABBA knowledge. Starting with that stabbing, martial keyboard intro puts me in mind of Badlands, and he throws in some Born To Run whoah-oh-ohs at the end.
It's also one of his more rousing rock anthem style songs, which he didn't have that many of, now I think of it, nervy, twitchy little new waver

All the stereo albums do.

Strangely, that Lennon song came up in my shuffle thread entry yesterday.

I'll take your word for it.

Some Beatles - The White Album, which is not one of my most heavily-played of theirs, all told, but when I'm in the mood nothing else will do.
The Sam Cooke Harlem album. His studio stuff isn't my favourite soul music, but this is quite something.
Love Over Gold by Dire Straits.
Rolling Stones, mainly Exile On Main

So many Springsteen nods in that song.

I've worked in prison in the UK - over here, he'd be segregated from the main population.

The acoustic side elevates it above all their others, for me. (The first side is pretty good too, of course.)

5'8" and about 160lbs. Waist size 31". That hasn't changed since I was about 15.

Springsteen playlist. Born In The USA Nebraska outtake version currently.

My favourite of theirs.

PP Arnold - Yesterday
John Lennon - The Luck of the Irish
Belle & Sebastian - Winter Wooskie
Led Zeppelin - Rock and Roll
The Beach Boys - We'll Run Away

This is normally where I say 'fuck Theresa May', but she utterly fucked herself last week, so …

It always seemed obvious to me that Yoko energised Lennon in the last few years of the Beatles' existence. He was in a funk before he met her.

Stillson being 'still Nixon'.

He's 70 in a few months - maybe he's just going to be one of those scrawny and withered old men instead of a fat one, like you would've predicted seeing him in his 30s and 40s.