
Strangest Thing is on now as I type - I think it’s my favourite on the album and one of the best things they’ve done. A real beauty.

And follow that up by asking him if the experience is a) like getting your cock sucked or b) like sucking a cock.

Miles Davis - In A Silent Way. Of all the albums of his I’ve listened to over the last few weeks, this was the most immediate. Probably to do with the guitar.

I wonder how they’re doing for clicks since the events of the 23rd of August. Let’s face it, the comments are only about 2% of the readership - though of course, in the twilight of it all, it’s nice to think that a lot of that readership turned up for the comments.

I think I replied to Reposted Lt. Broccoli comments recently. Maybe even today, it’s all a bit of a blur.

I like The Horrors, and I’m interested in what Chelsea Wolfe does, without being I sure I relish her albums, exactly.

His hands and feet are actually normal size, it’s just that the rest of him is a swollen hatch of bile and disgrace.

You fucked up, son. At least come back here and answer for it.

She’s in Easy Rider and Five Easy Pieces too. I wouldn’t say she carried either, but still.

Doesn’t get much better than switching between Whiskeytown and Neko Case.

It’s taken a few listens - maybe my expectations were inhibitingly high - but I’m really getting into the War On Drugs album. Could be the best of the year so far.

Smoothing out the chronology this way means each film can have its big climax, I suppose. Not like that.

Call me pernickety if you like, but the ! after Mother puts me off. Seems silly.

Barely hanging on.

The Who - 5.15
Cream - Rollin’ and Tumblin’ (live)
R.E.M. - Voice Of Harold
The Rolling Stones - (Walkin’ Thru The) Sleepy City
The Replacements - Skyway

I loved the TV film of ’Salem’s Lot when I was a kid - that was what pushed me towards Stephen King. The Barlow jump scare was quite something, as was the kid floating through the window. Happy memories.

Listening to this for the second time now. Very nice.

(I think me ‘starring’ your post takes you out of the greys - yr welcome.)

As a Brit, I enjoyed the episodes around the General Election and Jeremy Corbyn’s surprise surge earlier this summer. Jez In My Pants, one of them delighted in being called.

Reggae album of the week - Funky Kingston by Toots & The Maytals. Excellent.