
You could do worse than read Stanley Booth's book on the band, The True Adventures of The Rolling Stones - an excellent run-through of their 60s history, and an even more excellent close-up of the '69 tour of the US, leading inexorably to Altamont. Well, it meant a lot to me when I was 21, anyway.

RIP. Reading about the Stones in my impressionable youth, she cut quite a figure. What a time they all had of it.

Though there is a story that she gave Mick some solid advice on the mixing of Stray Cat Blues that he followed.

Or here …

Savile was far from being a beloved figure over here, despite the incessant charity work - he was regarded as something of an odd duck, to say the least. It all made perfect sense when it came out.

Hasn't Ruth Davidson said she's in favour of a soft Brexit? She must have a lot of clout these days. Then again, things are changing so fast …

We watched it on Saturday night - not a Saturday night film really, but never mind. I enjoyed it a lot, if enjoy is the word. The music was just sublime, of course. Thanks again.

The Commode Of Errors


That was great. They treat him like a child and he behaves like one.

It's true. We're so mad now we don't even cash the Soros cheques, we wipe our arses on them.

Also hugely satisfying: seeing the power of the right-wing tabloids, with their ceaseless attacks on Corbyn, completely evaporate in the time it took for the exit polls to sink in. Hope is a dangerous thing, but fuck it, I'm allowing myself some that a sea change has occurred here, in lots of ways.

New leader in place for the conference season? Maybe an election in October or November? But who can say - it's all heady stuff.

Should finish The Mandibles, A Family 2029 - 2047 by Lionel Shriver today. I've enjoyed it a lot, though a significant amount of it seems to be characters explaining the dire economic situation to each other.

Rosettes, thank you very much. Colour-coded for ease of identification during a campaign.

Lionel Shriver's latest book, The Mandibles, is set in the near future, so she throws in a few sort-of, not-really funny prognostications - one of them being that Ed Balls is the Prime Minister in 2029.

I wouldn't say she threw the election. But I would say that if she wanted to throw the ekection, that was the best way to go about it.

These piece of shit turntables again.

Leave that final word typo!

He's like Trump if Trump was a force for social justice. But yeah, a completely ridiculed outsider who no one gave a chance.