
Apparently he stormed out of a party the instant the exit polls pointed towards a hung parliament. The Daily Mail is looking like a hunched and reduced figure today as well.
But in a way, they were their own undoing. The vituperation towards Corbyn - him being a terrorist sympathiser, a Marxist, a vegetarian - had been

I'm no expert on the Irish situation, but the Secretary of State For Northern Ireland has to be completely neutral. Which can't be the case if they're in bed with one party. Sinn Fein could walk away from the negotiating table, jeopardising the peace process. (I think.)

She also followed the Lynton Crosby playbook of campaigning in the spirit of pure evil. It didn't work with the London Mayoral election either, so hopefully that's the last we'll see of that turd.

*falls weeping to knees*

I didn't know about the doc, I'll be sure to check it out. Thanks!

I saw Julian Cope at the Riverside in … '96? Or was it the University? He wasn't too eccentric (apart from a skin tight lycra-type dress and a strange pose at the microphone) but I was nevertheless aware that I was in the same room as the most insane person I've ever seen.

Seeing Gram and Emmylou singing Love Hurts

Whereabouts? City Hall? Mayfair? Riverside?

Your reply is almost identical to mine.

I've seen Springsteen twice so I didn't count him, but The River tour for me would be the one.

Someone described the DUP manifesto as 'the Old Testament with fortnightly bin collections'.
Also, they don't distance themselves from the UVF, so I'm sure we can look forward to the Daily Mail running 13 pages on Theresa May associating with terrorist sympathisers.

The Beatles in The Cavern, just as it was starting to happen. Can't imagine the excitement.

I've seen Paul Weller a couple of times, and fingers crossed I'll see him again next year. Great live voice.

The Clash in 1980, touring London Calling. They had everything then.

I can't say for sure - I was jumping around the different channels and also looking at facebook and the Guardian comments (someone wondered if the Daily Mail would now declare the people to be the enemy of the people). George Osborne's barely contained glee made ITV worth watching, and I don't think I've said that

The BBC crew looked like they'd been hit by a massive Tom & Jerry frying pan all night long. (Or a Vic & Bob frying pan, same thing.)

That journalist was/is John Harris, who's now a fairly decent Guardian scribbler.

1994! Well I'll be dipped in shit.

Coney Island Baby is the only Lou Reed album I've got on vinyl. Sounds great.

Mwng is great - one of their best.