
I think she was in something on British TV where she played a 'crusty' eco-warrior who gave it all up and straightened her hair in the end.

Still on a Talking Heads kick, first 4 albums and the live stuff in the main. Also been enjoying David Byrne's second collaboration with Brian Eno, Everything That Happens Will Happen Today - electronic gospel, he (Byrne) calls it.

Sorry, mate.

You're just an internet search away from having that smile wiped off your face.

Church of England is a thing unto itself. And not a nice thing.

It's mainly the right wing press that do that. People lap that crap up.

I always thought the police should've come out on strike once the Tories went after their jobs. I'm sure our few remaining miners would've supported them.

Look, okay, I know she's going to win - but just make it with a slender majority, all right? So that none of this was worth it. So that the party can turn on the worthless fucker.

I've never read it - I value my eyesight too much.

Vicar's daughter. Always the worst. Well, one of the worst. Especially when it's combined with being a Tory.

I'm not allowing myself any hope. But I know what you mean.

Milo a writer? He couldn't write 'fuck' on a dirty window.

Nick Cave, The Lyre of Orpheus.

Writing a kind of test piece for a longer effort still in the pipeline, and it's feeling pretty healthy.

Oh yeah. It's one of the reasons they're keen on Brexit happening - all the EU Human Rights legislation is first on the bonfire. Then the environmental protections, the workers' rights …

Fuck Theresa May, again. Though I've enjoyed the reactions to her being asked - by a major news broadcaster, in the days before a General Election - what is the 'naughtiest' thing she's ever done. After her usual grimacing and flailing around, she said: running through fields of wheat as a child.
Others have a less

Ryan Adams - The Rescue Blues (Live At Carnegie Hall)
The Doors - Twentieth Century Fox
Billy Bragg - Moving The Goalposts
The Gun Club - Sleeping In Blood City
Simple Minds - Ghost Dancing

He's still a Tory, so he can fuck off.

Eh, you're all right.

Forgot … or wiped it (and you) from my mind?