
You may enjoy it, but she'll be on a flight across the Atlantic before the end of the month. I hope.

Kahn criticised Trump about something not so long ago. The travel ban, probably. Trump doesn't forget a slight, as we know.

He walked it back immediately, as they say.

I think Brexit is stupider than electing Trump by far.

And another vote on Brexit in a couple of years when we see what kind of shitty deal we get (and deserve).

And you're the chemo?

And you'll be first against the wall.


Elmore Leonard also wrote the novel - I'm not sure which came first, in fact, the book or the screenplay. His first crime novel, I believe, and a good, tight read.

I keep meaning to ask - is your avatar Nicky Wire from the Manics?

I read A Hologram For The King by Dave Eggers in a couple of days. I wasn't impressed with You Shall Know Our Velocity, but this was much better, written in that flat, terse, declarative style that AM Homes used in a recent book, and which I quite like, for now. It allows for a lot of humour and a lot of pathos, which

I'm pretty sure that one actually is a real quote.

Many a man can't stand being laughed at by a woman.

I'm in the UK, so I can't remember how I came across it - it didn't have much of a presence 5 or 6 years ago. I can remember three stories, though I don't know which I saw first.
There was the one about Stephen King having forgotten he'd written The Tommyknockers (when in fact he genuinely couldn't remember writing

A little learning is a dangerous thing, huh?

Could be a Pharisee as well. Strange, isn't it, to bring Pharisees into a 2017 discussion?

No, I was jerking off then came back to you.

Is Sean a Progressive or a Pharisee?

It was meta, son. If you were skilled, you would've got that.

Do you think you'd know the difference between virtue and virtue-signalling?