
Mind = blown

My recent Who kick really teed up Getting In Tune as one of their more neglected classics.

The new stereo mix sounds like it could be interesting, as it apparently takes elements of the mono mix. So far, mono is my preferred version, but …

It's Polish people they don't like now. As well as the 'coloureds'.

The fate of the creative person can turn on a dime - one phone call, one email, and there it is.

Heh, knew you'd like it.

The opposite of a funeral would be … a baby shower? The actual birth? The moment of conception?

A sweet little gift in the post that I'm wearing as I type.

A U2 playlist, currently Pride (In The Name Of Love).

Fuck the Tories for their disastrous, half-arsed campaign that'll see them win the election regardless. Fuck the Tory voters, is what I mean.

Witches: James I and the English Witch Hunts, Tracy Borman. A close-up of a case of witchcraft afflicting a noble family. This is good for research, not so much on witches as on things like how the rich appointed their houses: wine drunk from Venetian glass, etc. This was a lucky find in the tiny local library (rather

Robert Johnson - Stones In My Passway
The Doors - The Unknown Soldier
Guns n' Roses - Nice Boys
The Pixies - There Goes My Gun
Devendra Banhart - The Body Breaks

Melania'll wear a day-glo leotard to that fucker's funeral.

*Ian Ogilvie stares into space*

Just finished Dolly by Susan Hill. A ghost story in novella form by the Woman In Black author. This revolves around two young cousins - a timid boy and a wilful, possibly malevolent girl - staying with their aunt in a bleak house in a bleak spot. It all seems a bit half-arsed, sadly. No effort is made to avoid the

My favourite of theirs too.

I made my list, realising I'd forgotten Light My Fire. Kreiger is overlooked, I think.

Great piano on it too.

Beck's Bolero is great, but once Moon comes in, he's all I can listen to.

He is. I love his solo albums, and probably listen to them more than Dire Straits nowadays.