
Seconded! I can get the videos to work in Chrome, but not in Safari.

Their road ahead looks bumpy.

One shark attack at a beach in Florida: only half as many people go to the beach for the rest of the year.

Thousands of deaths every year due to car crashes: people still drive everywhere!

Human risk perception has always been inaccurate. People respond most to things that sound scary and are covered a lot in the news.

And he had oddly shaped feet!

That humor is so good you coulda made a carrera out of it.

Kelly Drive can be pretty nice sometimes.

The Model S with the performance package is fast, 4.2 seconds to 60mph according to Tesla's website. I remember seeing this verified somewhere, but can't remember right now. On the other hand, its top speed is really low compared to other cars on this list.

I'm all for having it on the earlier side but if delaying it means more interesting content it's probably a good trade off.

Future headline: "Good News: Jalopnik has driven the new Dacia Sandero"?

Yeah I see that, but the link at the top was nice. Side note - I think the overhaul is mostly great. Pages load faster, things look better, etc. Thanks for the great work!

Want to find other Gawker sites? Just click on the drop-down bar by the masthead. Also, gone is the automatic redirect to 'Recommended' if you've been away from the site for 24 hours.

make it a double dog dare! then they'll have to do it!

Also, Kittinger the best pep-talker in the world. "Felix, my boy, you're doin' great!"

Yeah this just isn't right. The intensity of light is proportional to the number of photons. Photons themselves don't have strength, just frequency, which determines what color we perceive hem to be (if that frequency is among those that we can see). Wide apertures are good because they let in more light. Depth of


Maybe this will be the tipping point. It's so absurd that it will be like a cold bucket of water on the head of anyone who ever wanted to buy a lux-UV.

Well, that's not quite true. Apple makes almost all its profits from device sales; they use the content to get people to buy into their platform. All the main companies putting out Android tablets right now make money off of hardware sales, albeit not as much as Apple. Traditional computer companies work the same way.

That thing would sell in an instant for under 20 grand. That's still too expensive, but the car is awesome and I'm sure plenty of people would go for it at that price.

I bet you could mount it to a post quite easily and make it look like a lamp. That might not be so good with the sound turned up though – lots of rattle probably. But it would look cool.

Sure they weren't the first to do a wedge, but do you really think the MBA looks more like that Sony? There's certainly a degree of resemblance, but making a laptop thinner and tapered is far from making it thinner and tapered and then also using very similar materials and a nearly identical color scheme. Furthermore,