
It would be hypocritical if the ideas they used were patented or branded and they came up with bs arguments in their defense. But pretty much every mobile phone company is suing everyone else these days, so they're all on the same level.

Amen to that. I don't wanna start a flamewar or anything, but I've heard people claim that jailbroken iOS is the most open major mobile OS, and I definitely agree. I've been using a jailbroken iPod touch for a few years now, and it's great. Kinda funny how Apple picks up a lot of the jailbreak only features a year or

Yes, I know the Air has an SSD. I wasn't saying the MBP is better because it can be configured with an SSD; I was saying that if you configure it with an SSD, it gets longer battery life. RTFC.

No, I'm not confused. The battery in the Pro is significantly bigger than the one in the Air. With a regular drive, that means the Pro's battery life is about the same as the Air's. With an SSD, you can get much longer batter life out of the Pro. Both last year's and this year's 13 inch Airs are rated for 7 hours of

+1 internets for you. Sometimes things get too serious around here.

Why would you choose a Pro over an Air? Better battery life. My 13 inch MBP from last year easily gets 10 hours, thanks to its SSD.

For anyone north of DC, I'd recommend a Subaru wagon. Personally I'd get a WRX hatch, but that's probably not boring enough. The new Outbacks are a little big for my liking, but some people go for that, and I'd take one any day over a small crossover. Going smaller, I'd say a hatchback Impreza, and if it had to be a

Yeah I believe that, which is part of why this record is so dumb. I'm sure people have rolled more than 6 times, there just haven't been Guinness officials there.

The Top Gear record for the greatest number of complete rolls done by a car with a human driver (6). This is a stupid record since few (if any, other than those guys) will attempt it on purpose. This is a stupid record since most of the time when a car rolls, there aren't Guinness world record officials standing by

Or get a somewhat newer Mini Cooper S. Not nearly as cool as a Lotus, but quite a nice ride and still very fun. Go kart like, small, supercharged (or turbo'd on the updated model), and gets to 60 in about the same time. Also not likely to fall apart.

I do!

Damn you beat me to it. It's like a paradox inside a paradox!

Maybe he was trying to take a record away from the Top Gear guys?

he's looking IN crack. possibly so that he can buy... crack?

When I get bees in my car, I call up my local honey badger. He gets it done.

i'm not aroused one bit. ground that fertile never goes untainted for long.

I can't stop laughing.


I know they sell Nerf guns at Toys'r'us. Not sure where else you can get them. Probably online.

My parents know what's good in life. They got me two Nerf guns as going away presents before my first year of college. And 100 darts.