
Actually every few weeks a campaign trail reporter on tv or in print will mention offhandedly that she doesn’t respond to their inquiries, either email or phone. So between the quote and that fact, I’m convinced she doesn’t even know how to email.

I don’t think she’s stupid though, I just don’t feel that her actual job

You’re right: I have deep reservations about Obama’s use of drones overseas and his stance on electronic privacy, and it’s likely Clinton won’t be much different. Plus, I doubt that Clinton would have made the ACA happen. She’s still the lesser of two evils, and I’ll vote for her this time, but the DNC needs to tone

They really don’t. I would pick apart Anna’s paragraph on the things wrong, or “queasy”, about Clinton and how each and every one of them apply to Obama as well, but it really shouldn’t be necessary simply because of the fact that some people don’t (or refuse to) understand that we have a chance for a liberal SCOTUS

It’s the equivalent of a toddler throwing a tantrum and mashing their PB&J into the carpet because they wanted it with the crusts CUT OFF, DAMMIT!

Granted I usually live under a rock and am actively trying to avoid a lot of the election coverage (b/c it’s more a circus than honest journalism), but these alleged “feminists” saying we need to elect Hillary b/c she’s a woman - I could swear this is mostly a strawwoman cooked up by Bernie and the RNC or trolls just

We have a duty to vote for Hillary (if indeed she gets the nomination) because we don’t want Greg Stillson to be president. The only difference between the antagonist in The Dead Zone and Donald Trump is that Trump could hold a kid in front of him as a shield, and his supporters would love him even more.

Who is saying that? We have a duty to vote for Hillary because she’s the better of the two candidates

If you give a shit about keeping religoin out of politics or a woman’s right to choose, then you vote for the Democrat. ANY Republican getting SCOTUS picks isn’t an option. It’s time to grow the fuck up.

God, it just reeks of privilege and fucking idiocy...I just can’t with people. If you wanna watch the goddamned world burn, you must be one of the privileged to have a fireproof suit...

She is the only person I have ever liked better because of Twitter. She’s so goddamn good at Twitter.

Back in 2004 a liberal/libertarian friend bragged that he was going to vote for Bush because he wanted people to see “how bad this country could get” if we put another Republican in power. It makes me sick to think that people torpedo progress because it doesn’t fit their idealized view of the 100% perfect progress.

I love Chrissy Teigen so much.

...and someday you can look back and know that you did your part to stop an orange cloud of fascism from taking over your country, even if it wasn’t you who stood the most to lose.

I know this is probably the wrong thing to take from your comment, but I think it’s super sweet and awesome that your daughter has been raised to disbelieve you when you say there have been no female presidents. Like, it is so incredulous to her, so removed from her reality.

You can also look at it as men not giving a shit about women until they have their own flesh and blood walking around in female form as daughters. Sort of like how men always have to relate discussions of women’s issues back to their sisters, mothers, daughters, wives, etc. because they can’t see women as human beings

My daughter is almost 9 and she legit thinks that women are not allowed to be president because that must be why we haven’t had one by now. I’m going to let her stay up late tonight and watch.

She also once asked me who the first black president was. I said, Barack Obama, and she said “I know he is one of them, but


I’m guessing they’ve gotten in trouble for using the term tribal.

An American flag wedgie seems like the opposite of patriotic.

Reminds me of when I was in grad school (for history) surrounded by a table of men who were questioning why we study women’s history anyway. These were future historians talking, mind you, not the general public. They just didn’t get the point.