
I do really (and I am being serious) think it has been tried - by individual women (myself included) that regularly comment here. By pointing out that men as well as women benefit from equal pay, equal rights, family leave, women’s right to control their own reproductive health, women feeling and being safe...

This is a fantastic read, and helps bring out something else that those on the left continue to overlook, their role in perpetuating the infighting....

Jezebel also publishes articles that expose the“retrograde culture” of the US, though. There are articles about women’s rights being rolled back almost every week.

Today I read an article about a Korean woman who was stabbed to death by a man who hates women. He admitted he felt ‘ignored’ by women. The comments to that article? You’d think those men were being paid to deny misogyny exists. Everything from ‘mental illness’ to ‘women these days’ were trotted out for reasons at to


This is a global problem and one that people continue to ignore. They blame sex positive attitudes, lack of morals and “risky” behavior anything besides MISOGYNY. That the rapists feel brazen enough to post on social media tells you everything about how much of non criminal act they believe rape to be.

Everything he’s saying applies to sex workers who are trafficked, coerced, or forced by desperate circumstances into an industry they don’t really want to be in, but it doesn’t apply to sex workers who are working safely, legally and by choice. To be fair to President Carter, there are more in the first category.

And unfortunately if you look at countries with legalized sex work sex trafficking has not disappeared... it’s just easier to hide. There are more men who want to buy sex than there are women willing to sell sex, and there are awful people willing to take advantage of that.

Yeah. At least he actually seems to care about the well-being of sex workers, which is a hell of a lot more than you’d get from any Republican.

I don’t think we should insult people for carefully thought out opinion pieces that slightly differ from our own opinions. This is a complex issue.

Exactly. It is an admission.

Agreed. I don’t think she’s blaming anyone; rather, she’s owning her past mistakes and showing how she learned from it.

You know what? You really need to take a seat.


You know who is most likely to be an uninformed 18 year old dumbass? Kids who grew up in poverty. Who didn’t have the access or the parental support to be as fucking amazing as you. So many of them don’t even get the opportunity to explore their political

While your second comment makes sense, your first one is dismissive and condescending. Elitist “how could you in your right mind?”/“your opinion is based on laziness and ignorance” like this gives liberals a bad name, the same way that racists and religious zealots give conservatives a bad name.

The irony: “Yeah, I have an ill-informed opinion about how someone else reached their ill-informed opinion.” I would be funny if it didn’t sound exactly like a huge portion of the voting population.

Oh, absolutely. But it isn’t their fault that they’re a product of their environment. I was taught growing up to trust God and pray about everything. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized you have to actually do things if you want the world to be a better place than it is.

Loved this. It so so so sums up my life politically—I grew up in rural Kentucky in a very conservative Southern Baptist family. When I registered to vote when I was 18, I registered Independent, but still voted Republican with my parents. When I was a freshman in college I was on the email list for the campus pro-life

Yep. There’s a verse in the New Testament that reads in part: “There is none righteous—no, not one,” and it used to really discourage me. If there’s not one righteous person on the face of the planet what’s the point of going on, or even trying?

This essay is amazing!