
But they didn’t admit they fucked up. They pretended to admit it to avoid getting punished. But truthfully they think they did nothing wrong and are happy to place blame elsewhere. Because of their carelessness and failure to provide basic medical attention to their sick child, he is dead. That warrants punishment by

Interesting take, since in the video they were pretty not-remorseful, and have become martyrs in the “parents’ rights” movements.

They killed their child. They have several other children. The family makes their living by selling these snake oil cures and have been vocally unrepentant about killing their own son and trying to publicly persuade idiots like you that they were just well-meaning fuckups when they murdered their child by neglect and

I do not buy the whole idea that when parents proudly make awful decisions that lead to their children’s deaths (like leaving loaded guns lying around, failing to get the child proper medical attention, etc.) the death should be the parents’ punishment. These parents neglected their child to the point that he died,

I was going to say: maybe they’ve been punished enough, until I came to the part where the husband opened his mouth.

Gunter was arrested and charged with aggravated burglary, as well as lesser charges for violations of the restraining order and stalking.

Why isn’t the punishment for breaking restraining orders so much more severe? This guy broke the fucking restraining order three times before this happened!

Another horrible logic I could see from the Trump campaign is their effort to paint Bill Clinton as a sexual predator rather than just the philanderer we all know he’s been. No one has ever been able to show that Bill’s done anything other than have consensual sex outside his marriage, but there have been repeated

At this point I’m really hoping Scotland votes again to GTFO and then the EU fast tracks them back in.

Anything that lets the Scots screw over the British is cool in my book.

Is it just me, or does Oprah fall for every trendy bullshit idea that comes along. Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, every diet fad ever, “The Secret”

But the thing is, saying, “Well, even if it isn’t true it’s the sort of thing they’d do” is what Hillary has had to put up with for twenty-five years. Benghazi, Vince Foster, crackpipe Christmas decorations, flinging heavy objects at Secret Service people, secret email servers that leaked information to China,

Honestly, what jumped out to me the most in this whole story is that the lawyer that eventually took her case is a patent lawyer. That’s like...getting a gynecologist to do your spine surgery. I mean, yeah, they’re both doctors, but the level of specialization is pretty intense. It’s the same with attorneys.

I am a woman. I have a fantasy of being a little newspaper barker boy from the 1920's, wearing a jaunty hat and shouting “Papahs! Get ya papahs right heayah folks! Today’s headline is a real whoppah, see?”

Feelings breakdown:

If it makes you feel any better (it probably won’t — sorry in advance), people who say stupid shit like this about Lolita have rarely read the book. So Refn is pontificating about a book that he likely never read — I would bet my heart-shaped sunglasses on it

I’m sorry is he... is he implying that maybe Lolita is the “demon” in that story because men = dumb and women = sophisticated? What the actual fuck.

Good. I hope people remind her of what an unimpressive, entitled whiner she is for the rest of her life.

UT offers a provisional program under which a rejected student can do a year at any of the “stepchild” schools in the UT system, get good grades, and transfer pretty much automatically. There are A LOT of schools in the UT system. No way to slice this egg that it ain’t bad.