
Skyfall was a return to form for Bond songs, but I’ve never seen the Oscars award the best song. I mean, Elliott Smith lost to Celine Dion. Total farce.


That’s...a stretch. It IS extremely funky, but the beat is slower and the melody and hook are completely different.

“Does Ted Cruz know that the President does not have the power to issue pardons for state convictions?”

if you know of a better way to launder campaign money, i’m sure doland is all ears.

I don’t see anything actually wrong with the comment now. She was asked if she can understand movies from certain cultures, and her response was basically, “I don’t know much about the intricacies of the Middle East but I think we all share some commonalities and I understand the humanities in those films.” Maybe I’m

It’s a little more than “not exactly what happened.”

I remember drawing a big deep breath in 2008 and feeling so relieved I’d no longer have to feel embarrassed for being American when I was traveling, or with friends who were citizens of other countries. I could feel proud of my citizenship; proud of my President.


... A Sanders supporter tried to file a fake obit for Clinton? WHAT THE FUCK???

I bet you Obama would go to Trump’s funeral if it was held on a sinking ship.

We are the team that drinks before noon, right?

What is ridiculous to me is the fact that either Killer Mike or Elliott used this language in the first place. It is one thing to say “I am voting based on issues, not on gender,” but focusing on her uterus (or vagina, which I have heard both men and women talk about this election cycle) reduces women to our

Trump voters:

The longest it’s ever taken to appoint a new justice is 125 days. Obama has 341 before he leaves office. The Republicans will damage their credibility beyond repair if they try to block a nominee for that long.

I never realized that he had nine children, so I feel sad for his family and for his colleagues. I read in one retrospective that he also occasionally hung out with Elena Kagan, so he couldn’t be all bad.

I am literally only sad because I don’t like RBG being sad. She said he was her closest friend on the Supreme Court. The only beneficial thing he has done in my eyes is show how you can be civil and get along with someone who has differing views from you.

I don’t celebrate the death of anyone. But I also can’t be expected to mourn his racist, homophobic, sexist legacy. I find myself simultaneously feeling for his family and the indomitable RBG, who considered him a close friend, and having real hope for the future of the Court.

rarely do i take pleasure in someone else’s visible suffering, but this piece of fucking basura deserves everything coming to him. just can’t believe the outcome; a former white cop, an all-white jury, and (as you say) the brave women who are the most vulnerable in our society did not inspire confidence in our fucked

Time to celebrate! My rum and Coke will be dedicated to the guilty verdict... Who else is in?