
Yeah it was for sure a “boy thing” when I was a kid. I mean yeah Leia was super important, but when it came to toys/games and whatnot they were all aimed directly at boys. What Abrams said was 100% right imo.

I like the fact that the people behind the Star Wars sequels are aware of the cultural landscape and are attempting to be more inclusive in terms of casting and directorial considerations. I also like the fact that Ava has a specific artistic vision that is important to her and her audience. So maybe good on both of

Kudos to him for realizing how casually damaging his former statement was and for so wholeheartedly acknowledging Ava DuVernay’s awesomeness.

I’m confused a bit about the message you’re trying to convey here, Bobby, if I’m being honest.

“Something that probably isn’t important to DuVernay? Directing the new installment of a film series created, written, and directed by a bunch of white dudes nearly four decades into its run.”

So, like, should only white dudes

Good PR. Abrams make himself a target to a small but very passionate group of people when he called SW a “boy’s thing” so he rebounds by telling an interviewer of a woman he thinks could direct SW. He also wisely chose a black women as he knows that gives him extra points.

J.J. Abrams, the man who recently referred to Star Wars as a “boys’ thing,”

Well, right, if the teacher in question was doing a bunch of Hindu religious stuff because it’s exotic and mystical, that would be questionable. There’s a few different kinds of yoga, though. The stretching-type yoga is Hatha yoga which was, IIRC, invented in the 19th century as a form of exercise. It’s not the

ok we’re at the point where i think you’re kidding but i’m not actually sure.

Precisely my thoughts. There’s cultural appropriation but there’s also cultural exchange and the latter is amazing and beneficial for everyone. I think yoga, in general, is an example of the latter.

The examples of leftie high-mindedness shooting itself in the foot are not as many as right-wingers are claiming, but they are starting to accumulate. It’s not a pretty sight. Hopefully we’ll see a backlash to the backlash to correct these exaggerations. What a story, man, what a story.

Have we reached a point where all cultural sharing is off limits? That seems so... stagnant.

thank you for only writing 9/11 two times in this article because, as we all know, on the third mention, rudy guilani appears

What my own trans friends and family have said is basically, “I wasn’t offended by the trailer but a bunch of cis people told me to be...”

Yeah I’m not 100% sure how I feel about this. I think it’s just a poorly done parody. Maybe seeing the character in the film will push it into offensive territory but I don’t think it’s there yet. I really don’t think Cumberbatch would have done the movie if the character was offensive. He (or his people) seems smart

Oh, step on a rusty nail, haters. This is clearly a parody of the absurdity of the fashion world these days and not transphobic at all. I don’t even think he is supposed to be transgender in the first place. I think he’s supposed to be alien-like. Which is also a joke on how people have compared Cumberbatch’s

I don’t give two shits about whether or not Trump is serious. It’s more terrifying to see a large number of American voters saying “that’s a good idea!” It appears that many Americans, my parents included, support literal fascism.

also this is from the announcement:

I know, I’m rather worried. I like The Slot, and the hard news affecting women angle on Jez’s main blog. I also like the lighter fare as well, don’t get me wrong, but don’t see why it has to be mutually exclusive.


I was hoping for a substantial, thoughtful analysis on these particular customers, but I’m afraid of deep things.