
It’s the little decorative swirlies that make it a tad less threatening. Just a tad, because now all we have is a really tacky racist on our hands.

I work and live really close to Bowie, and I haven’t heard anything about this on the news. WTF? The links here are both for DC market news, and I get Baltimore stations, but it seems really weird to me that this hasn’t been covered. I mean, we get commercials for the college on the local Baltimore stations.

Gosh dangit, kids can’t even racism correctly.

Imagine if all the states (Looking at you, my homeland, ...fucking Texas) used all the funding that goes into trying to tear down Planned bettering our crumbling VA hospitals and provide housing for homeless vets or vets in need.

Wonderful news. But serious question here: Are the provided homes free or do the veterans have to pay for them or meet some work/wage standard in order to keep living there?

Great work Virginia! Now on to ending homelessness for all.

I graduated with a degree in comparative literature (*slinks off in shame*), and the person who gave our commencement speech said:

This makes me so happy. I’ve been wearing my hair natural for 3 years now and my ‘fro is AMAZING.

why should she? looks good on her and if she has it checked regularly she doesn’t need to worry about skin cancer.

Ah, Jezebel never disappoints.

Or is it just not a bunch of angry men claiming women cannot play such roles such as Ghostbusters?

Whether I agree with her opinions or not, I think asking older women—especially one of Greer’s background— to sit down and let the young’uns take over is a bit much, too.
Let her talk and defend her views, or let her talk and change her views. If we just tell her to sit down and shut up, old lady with outdated views,

Pretty sure he had a publicist but the toupee came alive one day and just ate them.

This movie seems like the kind of smug fluff piece that liberals in news would write about themselves being smugly RIGHT.

“Rape apologism manifests itself in infinite forms: we define it as any discourse that refers to sexual assault as anything other than what it is— unacceptable and appalling abuse. The statement recently shared [below] is, unfortunately, rife with apologism and we do not condone it or the violence it describes,”

Seeing the mass arrest of hundreds of brave souls carrying dildos would be about the best thing ever. Can you imagine CNN or, holy God, Fox News carrying that story. “Austin police today confiscated 34 butt plugs, 20 magic rabbits, and.....uh, uh.... 50 ten inch rubber black cocks. Next up, the weather and a great


I’m not expert, but considering how extremely white and rather conservative the suffragist movement in the US was after the split over the 15th Amendment, I would expect the British movement to be even whiter. My guess is this film is pretty accurately white, but I might be wrong. Unlike in Stonewall (and the west

I agree that the whole quote is problematic to say the least, but it’s also inaccurate to say that emancipation was about some wealthy white women who just didn’t have the vote. Depending on exactly what period in the late 19th to early 20th century we’re talking about, women in England and the US had very few rights.

God, HBC is the shit.