
My bf made fun of me for how much nail polish I own, and said that no one even notices nail colour anyways. I told him at least three people complimented my opal nail polish that week and he said “let me guess, all women, right?” and I said duh yes but who cares? I like it.

What does this fucker do yesterday? “Oh you

“So, your table stopped me and asked what kind of fish they had was because they thought you were lying to them; I told them it was cod and they asked why we didn’t have real fish.”

Okay, I haven’t read through yet, but last week, I discussed writing up a “BCO In Jokes Primer”... and here it is. For all those who are new...

Justin Bieber’s friends say he doesn’t drink or do drugs anymore.

Wow FUCK Kanye

Rose’s mother, Dorothy, joined in and held a sign that referenced Kanye West who, in a February interview said: “It’s very hard for a woman to want to be with someone that was with Amber Rose, I had to take 30 showers before I got with Kim.” Men are incredibly dumb and this is a good sign.

HAVE FUN BURNING IN HELL O’CONNORS!!! I wonder if the homosexuals and the bigots have to share one area or if Satan segregates.