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    “after possibly getting confused by the shifter in his Jeep.” If you are getting confused by the shifter, you have much bigger problems in life than operating a vehicle. Listen, I’ve driven the GC, yeah the shifter is odd, but it’s very simple: keep your foot on the brake until the car is in park. It’s not that hard.

    I can’t disagree more with Jalopnik’s view of the Patriot. I get that this is an enthusiast site, and with regards to Truck Yeah, and Jeeps, geared towards, you know, actual trucks and capable Jeeps, but the Patriot has been a damn fine little SUV. I’ll just never understand the hate. The first Compass is truly ugly

    Holy shit...recently went away for a ski weekend, not as much as camping gear but still a bit. Plenty of room in my Patriot. Two friends are Cherokees. While looking much bigger from the outside, they are tiny inside, at least the rear. I mean there is not space whatsoever back there because of this fastback crossover

    This sucks, because I’ve loved the look of this car since the 350 came out. Too bad it sounds like the performance isn’t there.

    Buy a bicycle. High school kids don’t need cars. Learn to appreciate borrowing the car when you need it. $10k, plus the insurance, gas, etc....come on kid.

    Man, I actually don’t think it’s all that bad. Other than the hand/arm thing to the kid, it was just a bunch of delays. No one likes to be inconvenienced, but come on.

    WTF did I just read? English please.

    Gotta ask...why did you have a mountain bike on the highway?

    That looks sourced from The Hunts album.

    The FGL part is funny.

    But then no one would see her exclusive car parked at the yoga studio.

    I wouldn’t say paid off for years...She’s had it 6 years? Could just be getting paid off now/recently.

    Am I the only one who found her letter unbearable? “More eclusitivity.” Why not just come out and say I want people to know how well off I am.