
You are specifically the reason people are complaining that women should not care about thier figure at all. They promote that to the point that healthy people are shamed if they are healthy since it’s ‘unrealistic and unobtainable’. Every person who eats more fruits and vegetables than meat and lays off sugary drinks

Nothing is shittier than Pittsburgh. Philly maybe.

I don’t think you know what a beer belly is.

Halfway through that build his HoA would have shut the shit down cause they are Yard Nazi’s and that would have resulted in a BMW Engines are Shit post. Thus confirming the Illuminati.

No, he would’ve gotten distracted by a rusty Jeep before he finished it.

David Tracey could have fixed it for $95.00 with parts from a pontiac sunfire and Ford Taurus station wagon, in his front yard, during the winter.

Oh the NHL season opens tonight? I must have missed all that advertising the league has been doing

And I like to call it as I see it. I’ll give the driver a 10 out of 10 for not knowing how to press the brake pedal.

Sure! If you see a really old guy winding up his car, please ask him what it is.

I was going to make a big fuss of the fact that you misspelled Scarlet three times, but frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn...

I’ve gone from watching all day Sunday on Sunday Ticket to just watching my team, and only if they’re on broadcast TV. And even then, I only watch the second half most of the time. I’d guess that by next year I’ll be out altogether.

*Raises hand*

Completely anecdotal, but I know of three people in my social circle (myself included) who have just given up on the NFL altogether. Quit watching this year cold turkey. And we were all fantasy football, football pool, watch all day Sunday kinds of fans.

As it’s already been stated we know that these will sell mostly as crew cabs with a “enough room to get landscaping mulch from Home Depot” boxes which is probably what most of the poser “life style truck” owners need anyway.

Personally I would love a single cab version of this that got good gas mileage and could

That looks really nice. I have this weird hang up with useful bed space and rugged wheels, though.

Sort of off topic, but hear me out: Are the rich to blame for making fun vibrant colors like this green an option only for the wealthy? I know you can get a car painted at some shop, but I’m told the quality is horrendous compared to factory paint. As a followup, am I the only one who is extremely depressed that most

They (being everyone except the Maples Leafs) like him because fat guys being athletic is more impressive and fun to watch than skinny guys being athletic. They like him for the same reason Penn State’s kicker is magical.

Oh he’s a shlub, but a shlub who took a ton of unwarranted shit in Toronto and then proceeded to win the Cup immediately after leaving.

Murica: Honda why u no give us civic hatchback?????

Eventually, Graham’s gonna get bored, put a bigger engine in that Bugeye Sprite to make it do 220 mph and hurt himself royally. Sorry, slow, gradual process of evolution. That’s how it works. Humanity is largely doomed as a species and no amount of Cactus-style squirting pus-sacks can save us from ourselves.