I’m just gonna say... that Beetle on steelies and fat snow tires looks kinda badass.
I’m just gonna say... that Beetle on steelies and fat snow tires looks kinda badass.
Please, please don’t go away again. This is exactly what we need right now.
I understand the sentiment but for what it’s worth, part of delivering the gratitude and respect they deserve probably involves not deploying them needlessly or straining the limits of their equipment supply lines.
I welcome him bigly.
Looks like a 4 door hatch back to me, but hey if you guys and Jaguar think thats an SUV lets take that sucker to Baja.
Every time I see his face I want to punch it.
To be fair, he did not use his blinker once during the entire heroic rescue.
Best Dos Equis commercial yet.
Not really much of a win for anyone. The neighbors hate each other and I believe the legal fees for both sides are past $50k.
Test seems accurate to me.
Bro with some Arabian sheikh and a little Florida for added tastelessness.
Surface rust? Any bare metal will develop surface rust, with or without salt. Bailing hay wears down contact plates in the bailer, they’re shiny and smooth at the end of the day, but they’ve got a layer of surface rust the next day. No salt being spread on the road in the summer, just normal humidity.
Jeep HJ- Humble Jeep.
I agree with everything except removing the 4x4, no one wants a 2wd Jeep.
Can’t you just push it back there with a couple of buddies/roomates?
Have you thought about relocating the J10 to the back/side of the garage? Gives you a bay to keep your cars alive and really there shouldn’t be road salt in your yard...
TRDSEMA needs to be a brand of cars. There will be the Land Speed Cruiser, the NASCAMRY and the Siennawsome