
No, I think it's terrible. It looks like an ice skating outfit, but full length.

Well, I'm the first to admit I may not be cool. But I wouldn't even wash my feet with Coors Light.

I think what really needs to happen is better education on what BAC really means.

What it tells me is that women get into more fender benders, but men kill themselves and other other people all the damn time through aggressive and reckless driving. So yes, women do get into more accidents, but the magnitude of those accidents is generally much less severe.

As we sat in the recovery room—minutes after the nurse showed me how to use the peri bottle by squirting it at my crotch while I sat on the toilet (aka GOODBYE FOREVER, DIGNITY!!)—my husband sighed, "Ugh. My feet are killing me. I was on them all day." And I stared at him. I stared until he finally said, "Oh okay, so

Am I the only one who doesn't think men feeling pregnancy symptoms is cute? Motherfucker I was miserable while I was pregnant. You have no idea!

Just you.

"Please stop calling addicts stupid. You should go read, take a class, volunteer. Educate yourself. Addiction is a serious social problem and until people understand it, people are,going to be marginalized and treated horrifically "

I forgot to tell my poultrygeist story! I have written about it before, but here it is:

I also have an English degree and am obsessed with Anne of Green Gables!! I re-read at least once a year. Also really love Anne of the Island. When I meet someone who says they love Anne - I know I've met a kindred spirit :-)