
Agree! I feel like pro lifers get so caught up in their rhetoric that they just completely lose credibility. I mean, seriously I think most people would say they are pro life but not because theey are against MURDERING PRE-BORN BABIES, but because they aren't about ruining any lives. It makes legit conversations

My cat was named paco by the humane society. I renamed her Taffler W. Mittens (the w stands for wears, because she has white fur mittens). However, she hated it and only responds to kitty. I also have fish named fish.

I luv cappie 4 evaaaaa!!! For real though, he makes my ladyparts happy.

My fisrt trip south we went to a wafflehouse and they put grits on my plate and I seriously thought it was some kind of horrible joke and so I cried (I was like 8, so y'know, not an overreaction)

I am in a similar state right now, except I am a SAHM and I never have a reason to leave the house. I set a goal everyday. Something small, like paint my nails or go get fancy coffee. It maay seem trite, but I accomplish something every day, even if its just showering, that I can feel good about. My problem is that I

You aren't wrong, people shouldn't store sensitive material in places it will be stolen. However, it doesn't make it their fault that someone stole it. I would tell you to lock your car doors if you don't want it stolen. But maybe one day you forget and the car gets stolen. Are you not a victim? Does the their not

Ok so, I know this is wrong, but I kind of do want too see these ladies nekked. I didn't look at the last leaks and I won't look at these, because of all these stupid morals and whatnot that afflict me, but I can't stop from wondering what celebrities look like nude with no PhotoShop. I mean I have expectations,

so can we talk about Stevie wonder? Does he have a skullet? I don't understand. Why would someone do that??? Did he give consent for this, or did his stylist just go to town? U don't want judge if he likes it or whatever, but I can't believe he chose it for the aesthetic.

My first birth was kind of traumatic, sort of. I had an epidural so I didn't

They call that an ace. If it does all that and hides in the bottom of the toilet/goes down the drain on its own/???? Its called a ghost

I am at home all day with a tiny baby, so my world is sad and small. I actually have to stop myself from telling visitors about my great poops when they ask

Nah, the people that don't get the fade away (ie these guys) will get pissed about any rejection. You could send an eloquent and generous text explaining and they will just call you a 'dum bitch'. The fade away prevents weird confrontations (sometimes)

I totally agree with Mindy, its not a funny issue becauseit involves something that is actually a very difficult decision and her show is not structured to reflect that. Also, she would lose veiwership and frankly its not worth it. I don't talk about my liberal abortion opinions at work because I don't want problems.

There is not much you could say to her without some hurt feelings. It always feels shitty to think someone is judging your parenting. I would suggest acknowledging the kid when you first come in and then start a game of 'can you find'. Ask for random things, a red square, something shiny, something tall. You can keep

So are you asking if sexuality is natuture vs nurture? Ithink both, most likely. I don't have a science background, but I do work with kids. You can see, in some kids at least,very clear signs of homo/hetero sexuality. Parents are also a lot more relaxed about some things now, like little boys playing with 'girl' toys

Yes, everyone has rights. Even people you don't like! Its based on being a human, not on

Ok, that makes sense. I supposed if I followed these campus rape stories more closely I would havebeen able to answer for myself. I didn't realiize there was a committee decision rather than a legal one, supported or not by the uni. The school I went to

Husband works in a dairy as quality control, so its his job to accept/reject milk trucks based on a sample. He recommends you smell your food before you eat it, always. That way you will notice when it is off. Smell is one of best ways to tell if your food is safe, aside from lab tests and whatnot.

So, I have an honestquestion. Why does the rapist need

lol! That's what I feared the most, having a c section,because I didn't want anyone taking my organs out. Even if they are polishing them up. I gave birth vaginally x2 so I didn't have to worry. They do offer a mirror to watch the action, but again I said NOPE, I don't want to look at my body like that. And I never