
know right? And what is with the need for reading material and such? Isn't that horribly unsanitary?

Sorry, but cheating isn't an accident"oops! My penis just fell into her vagina! I didn't mean to, and there was not a single thing I could have done to stop this!" cheating on people sucks because you realize you did a shitty thing and have to live with the knowledge that you aren't the wonderful person you thought

How does it suck to be the cheater? The guilt? The lying? Everyone knows it hurts to get punched in the face, and we all know the fist that did the punching will probably be sore, but no one cares because they initiated the pain. Cheating on someone is shitty, not because monogamy is the greatest or whatever, but

They probably would not have had any issues if they had left the boys out of it. The youngs do wear inappropriate clothes, that's part of being young, it should hardly be an issue to say 'pants must be worn'. If the boys are having boner problems they need to send a letter home about cold showers.

So 'pop culture expert' is a career? How can I get paid to do that? Because I have been doing that for free on the internet for years! Also, I don't say douchey transphobic things!

Yes, I agree ms Kendrick. Most ads for medicine are painful to think about and yet they bleep the hole in asshole.

Yes. The best way to end bullying is by validating the bullies. Acknowledging that any deviation from the absolute norm is going to cause problems, you know, for the bullies (how can they be expected to concentrate when there are people who insist on flaunting their individuality?).

Walking dead got my vote because it is more fun (as only the undead can be), while Dracula (the original novel at the very least) is boring. Seriously, I skipped large parts. And I minored in Victorian lit.

Has no one read A Brave New World??? This just leads to a society that focuses on self satisfaction and perfection rather than just living life as it was meant to be. Don't get me wrong, the way they put babies in a tube appeals to me as a pregnant woman (seems much neater and I wouldn't have to get all stretched

They instead encourage kids to work for a year to save money so they don't end up in hideous debt holes. Travel is great and there are a lot of great things you can learn from other cultures, but learning financial responsibility is probably a better lesson for the youngs.

I think the difference between male and female circumcision is one of intention. I have never heard of a woman needing her clitoris removed for any reason, however I do know that some men end up needing their foreskin removed for medical reasons (infections and whatnot. Usually though it happens when they are fairly

If they removed him completely I would only think the show has improved. His parts are the worst.

I would 100% skip the ring and ceremony for a house! My partner wants the big expensive party (and his mother tears up whenever I mention eloping) but it just means we aren't getting married any time soon. Besides, in his wedding dream he doesn't have to do all that planning, I do. I say fuck that! Especially because

Why does everyone need to get all 'of course she is a lesbian, she is on the softball team'? I was on the softball team and I love cock.

Well, your kid may not be able to tell the difference between anger and ecstasy. I have a 3yr old and she overheard us one time (well, she heard me frankly) and demanded to know why daddy hurt mommy. It was kind of a horrifying thing to try to explain. As they get older I am sure kids understand it, but that's a long

I am super excited too! She is really a perfect choice for a modern Annie. I am not going to lie though, I think Jamie Foxx is a little young to be daddy warbucks. Part of his character is that he spent too much time on his career and forgot to have a family (or thought he didn't need it). Meeting Annie, his heart

I agree, she is probably asked about it all the time. But she could totally go for a neutral coping strategy response instead, "I have been having a hard time coping with this loss, but I am trying to live my life in a positive way, dedicating myself to my work and trying to rebuild blahblahblah". Essentially she

I do have compassion, for his family and friends who don't want to read about how he died every few weeks because lea has something to promote: "I picked sad dramatic songs, not because that's my thing, but because my boyfriend died. I loved him, but he died of a tragic overdose so now I am so so sad"

I always get the creeps when there is a story about her...she is always talking about his death and going on about how sad she is. I don't deny she is sad about, but she just keeps trotting out his death as a way to stay relevant. Which she isn't.

Omg, I know re: macklemores face. And what is with the hair? It looks like a hipster comb over.