again..fuck you..and the horse you rode in on.
again..fuck you..and the horse you rode in on.
fuck you
my god...these look horrific. Watery, slimy and just straight up garbage.
you signed up for a job to put your lives on the line...get a new fucking job if you cant handle it, porky.
you DID sign up to protect and serve and maybe die. If you cant deal with that than get a new fucking job. I was active duty, did 3 deployments and expected to die. so shut the fuck up, you pigs do not deserve respect.
I’ll mark it on your map for you.
mid west is full of white ugly fat asses
delicious???? hell to the nah
damn, white folks eat some nasty ass food. it looked like someone already ate it, threw it up and poured butter and bacon grease on it. Disgusting.
go back to sucking your daddy’s dick you inbred white trash, chinless, pill junkie bitch
your momma is trash, cunt
what the fuck? who gives a shit? you sound like the asshole who got mad about her husband eating fancy mustard, wearing a tan suit and doing a terrorist fist bump. You are just mad because they are black, so fuck you and that god damn horse you rode in on.
bullshit! that is nothing but fucking lies and you know it, cunt.
Mother wont allow that.
so you call the fucking cops on her? what kind of fucking sense does that make? fucking retard
exactly, asshole.
fuck off
go back to fucking bats, you fucking racist cum sucking dipshit
who the fuck thinks manbearpig was a bad episode? are you fucking retarded?