
basically this, lol.

I vote for dumber

ZING! are a heartless, judgemental person

hard to imagine that he has only been in office like 7 months huh?..this nightmare is going drag on and on

I feel for her, I really do..but she had many years to get this shit taken care. and now she is in this situation. I hope that since she has no legal issues and pays taxes works in her favor and they let her stay or expedite her documentation.

such a damn shame that violence towards women is still a joke and acceptable...and YES..transgender women ARE women

woman hating asshole




how can I report this trash?????????

I will pray tonight that YOU get you love it up the ass

I hope your sister gets raped

I hope your daughter gets raped

wow, you are one pathetic, sexist,rapist excusing asshole. you should be ashamed of this article. hope your wife gets raped

Fuck about that?

Found the KKK member

holy shit..this is an actual thing? an actual show? lol...I truly thought it was a joke

which means you should be a little more sympathetic , right? they are only children