
I lived in Austin. Drive a few minutes out of town and you hear banjos and gunfire. At a friend’s request I brought my Mossberg pump shotty out to his new place for his 4th of July party because he thought it was important for his neighbors to hear gunfire coming from his property.

Should have not been such a cheapskate and gotten the Xdrive.

riding as a passenger in the Hoffmann is somehow even more terrifying than driving it

Rub his nose in it, otherwise he’ll never learn.

I’m sick of all these Nazi jokes anne frankly won’t stand for it.


oh cut it out...

Court-side seats to other people’s spectacular drama AND a perfectly legitimate excuse to be hammered at 6 in the morning! LEGIT.

I seek out a bar or two and compare Bloody Mary recipes. I buy some sort of salty snack at a newsstand . . .

We all have a responsibility here to make sure the proud culture of C&C Mustang owners continues for the younger generation as well. :nods:

Does Sebatian Gorka drive a Gurkha, while hunting for orcas on his way back to Majorca?

After watching this does anybody else wanna have a rad painting party?!!! No? Just me then? Ok, cool.


You’re correct.

Comment of the whole damn Weekend

Can you imagine a car company doing something like that today? Circumventing a bad review by just... going to geographical places where that review would most likely to hold the least amount of weight?

.....go on....

At this point, there is no American more upset that the US missing out on the World Cup than Dave Matthews.

Skip Stephenson and Sarah Purcell were totally doing it.

wow. That kangaroo is a real Rocky Marsupiano.