
Seriously, Jalops, this is it. The moment of truth. We need to buy this car.

The internet is a series of tubes...

bad karma, bro.

Oh sure, I bet you think all CEOs look alike.

I still say “Nice Fisker!” to everyone with a Model S just to piss them off.

His way of saying no joy rides. I get it. While it’s only 17k, it’s this guys 17k.

Hey, Bob Knight has a burner account. I’ll be damned!!!

Ya fuckin’ cunts
Ya think it’s all aboooout yooooou
Think ya can run us off tooooo
Well now we’re all Yellow

See Maddox here?
He’s not alone at aaaaaall duuuuude
And now we’re coming

Leaving lobsters behind is not Kosher people

Go to the gift table, leave a card saying “What a beautiful day! I hope you enjoy the gift!”, then take half a dozen cards off their gifts, and scatter them.

Wallaby damned!

I hop he doesn’t get off that leash.

George deserves a lot of credit for its success. He was the perfect pitchman.

That’s fucked up! There was nothing that wrong with Cher in the 80's asshole!

I didn’t see any Bay leaves on that salmon...

Surprised you didn’t pull the directors cut:

Until I saw that picture, I thought it was just a simple bowl cut. Turns out, it’s a tribute to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water.

They’ll probably chalk this one up as a wash