
Not at all comparable. Nazi’s have a stated goal of extermination or enslavement of all the people in the world not like them. Communists do not and deaths attributed to communism is because of economic warfare or individuals wanting to consolidate and keep power using the word communism as an excuse.

Hardly comparable because communists don’t want to kill or enslave all the non-communists on the planet. You’re either anti-nazi or a nazi.

Ever since I saw the trailer for “Dear White People” specifically the scene where it’s a close up of her in profile and she says into the mic “Dear White People” I was smitten.

“Finally, I said it out loud.”

Yes, I’ll admit that the storyline of the first couple games is what got me hooked and I’ve never recovered from when they dropped that storyline. AC went from a day 1 purchase to a year later purchase on Steam sale. That being said, the piracy/sailing is just the best.

I’ve been replaying Assassin’s Creed Black Flag (the best Assassin’s Creed) I’ve been holding off on getting Origins just because of how often I know I’m going to be induced in someway to reach for my wallet after I’ve paid full price for the game.

It’s horrifyingly informative when people equate wanting the police to stop murdering innocent and sometimes unarmed black people in the streets with hating the police. They seem to be acknowledging that’s what the police are for.

As an IT guy I love the thrill of excitement when someone calls because they’re trying to play some video in Media Player, Quicktime or whatever crappy default video player they have and it won’t play, and I get to tell them about VLC Player.

And since the WH is insisting Trump knew nothing about this (granted, probably not true) then he couldn’t have gotten a waiver like Trump gave to Kushner. That would make Porter’s handling of classified data illegal.

It’s not so much that Kelly did anything wrong...

Exactly what I was thinking, twice. Most folks don’t know about their parents sex lives, and there’s nothing that needs to be defended. Frankly it’s kinda cool. Though not as cool as if had been Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor.

The response to discrimination shouldn’t be to surrender.


Interesting advice from his attorneys. Yes, it could turn out really bad for Trump if he meets with Mueller, but if he does it voluntarily they can at least negotiate some conditions that might be favorable for Trump. If he refuses and gets subpoenaed, it’s a gamble that he could lose his case the would eventually go

And ever since that day, Podhoretz was heard to remark “My burgers always taste kind of spitty.”

I’ve thought about it and I’ve decided if I ever win the lotto, after I get my winnings, I’m changing my name and moving someplace else.

This show proves what I realized recently, which that if you like the characters, it doesn’t matter what’s actually happening. I’d happily watch episodes of the Elanor, Chidi, Tahani and Jason just sitting around a living room shooting the breeze. I love all 4 of them and just want to see them be together.

Yeah, well Trump says a lot of things and the vast majority are untrue either because he’s flat out lying or he’s an idiot and doesn’t know better. Or a combination of both.

How’s it feel to be threatened by the nation’s disenfranchised? You must be a pretty ineffectual person.

Are you worth what Disney is worth? There’s the difference!